45? W A R B L E R .
Buffon compares its note to the word ouiflrata frequently repeated
; but I have ever thought it exaftly imitating the clicking
of two ftones together, one being held in each hand. If
others have thought the fame, it will eafily account for the reafon
of its being called the Stone-Chatter.
SYBIL W. Motacilla fibilla, Lin. Syfl. i. p. 337. N° 44.
Le Traquet de Madagafcar, Brif. orn. iii. p. 439. N° 28- pi. 24* £ 4*
Buf. oif. v. p. 231.
Lev. Muf.
D escription. r p H I S is much allied to the laft, but is a trifle bigger. The
head, neck, and upper parts of the body, are black j but
the feathers of the back, and wing coverts, have tawny margins :
it has the white fpot on the wings, like the laft, but wants that of
the rump ; and the tail feathers are all black : the under parts
are white, which goes backwards on each fide at the lower part of
the neck, like a half-collar : the breaft is rufous. A t firft fight
it may be taken for the laft fpecies.
Black. This is found at Madagafcar, where it is called Fitert.
It is faid to fing well.
47. Le Traquet du Cap de Bonne Efperance, Buf. oif. v. p. 233.
V ar. A. 1 r a Description. T E N G T H fix inches. Bill black: upper parts o f the head,
neck, and body, deep greenifh brown : under parts grey,
tinged with rufous ; and the rump is likewife of this.laft colour:
wing coverts and quills brown,, edged with paler brown . tail a
5 little
W A R B L E R - 45 ‘
little forked; the two middle feathers blackilh brown; the other*
obliquely brown and fulvous.
One like this, brought from the fame place, and appearing as
the female, had the whole of the upper parts blackilh brown ; the
throat white, and the breaft rufous.
Both of thefe were fent from the Cape of Good Hope.
Motacilla caprata, Lin. Syß.i. p.235. „Nt 33. LUZON4*IA. N W.
Le Traquet de L’Ifle de Luçon, Brif. orn. iii. p. 442. N° 30. pi. 24. f. 2. 3.
Buf. oif. V. p. 229.— PI. enl. 235, f. 1 .2.
c I Z E of the Stone-Chatter. Bill duiky : the whole bird is D escription.
^ blackilh brown, except the ieflfer wing coverts neareft the
body, and the vent, which' are white; and in fome birds the rump
is alfo white : legs black brown.
The female is brown above ; beneath, rufous brown : throat F eualr.
whitilh: rump and upper tail coverts pale rufous; the under,
dirty rufous white : tail brown..
' Inhabits the IJle of Luzonia, where it is called Maria-eapra. Piace.
In fome Chinefe drawings I met with a birdfimilar to this Stone-
Chat. The head, neck, and upper parts, were blue black: the
under, reddilh white: greater wing coverts tipped with white, .
forming an irregular white bar : bill and legs pale red.
Motacilla falicata, Lin. Syß. i. p. 33^. K° 39. -
Le Traquet des Philippines, Brif. orn. iii. p. 444' S a l 1 pi. 23. f, Z. —-
Buf oif V. p. 230.— PI. enl. 183. f. I.
g I Z E of the laft, but has a longer tail : the length is fix inches
and a quarter. The general colour more or lefs of a violet
3 M a black :