V a*. B.
Le Faifan panaché, Br!/, en. i. p. 267. A. pl. 25. f. 3.
■ varié, Buf. vif. ii. p. 332.— Frt/cb. t. 124.
Lev. Mu/.
Description. H IS is white, more or lefs marked in various parts with
the fimilar colours to Pheafants in common.
. Le Faifan blanc, Br!/, en. i. p. 268. B.
V a*. C. Lev. Mu/.
D escription. r j 'H I S is wholly white, except a few minute black fpots about
the neck, and fome rufous ones on the fcapula'rs.
In the Leverian Mu/eum is one wholly white.
4. Le Faifan bâtard, Br!/, en. i. p. 268. C.
HYBRIDAL- PH. Le CoqUar’ Buf ' °'f- "• p- 353- P1- 12— Fri/ch. t. 123.
Lev. Muf.
D escription. 'J 'H I S is a mixed breed between the Pheafant and Cock -, a
circumftance which frequently happens where farm-yards are
adjoining to woods where Pheafants abound. The eyes are fur-
rounded with a red lkin, and a few fpots of white on the crown
of the head : upper part of the back rufous, varied with brown
and white ; from thence to the tail a(h-colour, eroded with
black: belly, thighs, and under tail coverts, pale brown, afh-
colour, and dulky, mixed : wing .coverts much like the back i
greater quills pale brown -, the lefler white, varied without with
black, and within black edged with rufous : tail black in the
middle : bill and legs grey. This is Briffon’s defeription.
That in the Leverian Mufeum has very few markings, being
almoft throughout of a dingy reddilh brown colour.
Turkey Pheafant, Edw. pi. 337__Buf. ei/. ii. p. 160.
g I Z E between the P hcajan! and Turkey: extent of wing
thirty-two inches. Round the eyes a bare red lkin; the reft
of the head covered with feathers : the plumage a mixture fome-
what allied both to the Turkey and Pheafant.
Three of thefe were met with near Hanford in Borfetjhire; of
which one was killed, and fent by II. Seymer, Efq; to Mr. Ed-
I find in the Hift, des of .* a bird by the name of Demi Poule
d Inde, which is faid to proceed from the Cock and the Turkey,
It is moftly of a dark colour, like a Vulture; has neither comb
nor wattles; carries the tail like a Turkey, and Hands very high
on its legs.
It is faid to be peculiar to the ifland of Java, where it is kept
merely for the fake of fighting.
Phalianus pi6lus, Lin. Syf, i, p. 272. $.'—Amcen. acad. vol. i. p. 562. pl. 1.
Le Faifan dore de la Chine, BriJ. orn, i. p. 271. 4.— Buf. oif. ii. p. 355._
PI. enl. 217.
China Pheafant, Allin, iii, pl. $6.—Ednv. pl. 68. 69.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf.
H I S is lefs than the Common Pheafant: length two feet
nine inches and a half. Bill and irides yellow 1 general co-
V ar. E.
D escription.
D escription.