P l . LXVI.
D escription,
La Grande Caille de la Chine, Son. Voj. hid. ii. p. 171«
Lev. Mu/.
L E N G T H twelve inches. Bill like that of a Partridge,
but longer; the colour brown; tip black: crown of the
head dulky and ferruginous minutely mixed : on the nape and
hind part of the neck the feathers are one inch and a half long;
the middle part of them black brown, rather gloffy; the lhafts
and margins all round of a yellowilh buff-colour, and pointed at
the ends; which, when they are erefted by the bird, appear like
thofc on the neck of the Ruffed Heath Cock; thefe feathers are
narrower, and Ihorter in proportion, as they are neareft the head :
the upper parts of the body are ferruginous brown, minutely
dotted with black: the feathers on the wing coverts and back
ftreaked with pale yellowilh buff: quills plain brown, the edges
only being dotted with black : tail brown black;. the three outer
feathers plain, the others dotted with black on the outer edge: fore
part and fides of the neck ferruginous, a little mottled with paler
colour ; the lhafts pale : bread: plain red brown : belly the fame,
but paler: vent dulky: legs brown; two inches and a half long;
claws paleft.
In the Leverian Mufeum. Suppofed to come from the Cape of
Good Hope. Sonnerat’s bird came from China. He defcribes it as
having the irides red : the feathers of the back and rump ftriped
with whitilh, and long enough to hide the tail: round black fpots
on the outer webs of the wing feathers and on the fides of the
belly: otherwife it differs very little. It is probably the male
5 Tatrao