€14 P ! G E O N.
The P a r a z e n e , or P a r i f im P e w t e r *, much edeemed -, the C r o p *
f e r , and U f l o f e r , alfo belong to this variety.
Le Pigeon Cavalier, Brif, orn. i. p, 78, L.
HORSEMAN P, • Horferoan Pigeon, Raii Syn. p. 61. 12.— Witt tn . p. i 8j . I».— Albin,
ü. pi. 45.
D escription* r j 1 f I E S E partake of the two lad : are faid to be excellent
breeders ; and never to forfake the place where bred. On
this principle they become good carriers; and are oftener made
ufe of in England than the true Carrier, as that bird is too much
edeemed to rilk the lofs of it on every trifling account t-
V ar . S.
D escription.
Le Pigeon batteur, Brif. cm. i. p. 79. M.
Smiter Pigeon, Raii Sj/n. p. 60. tj.— WHl. orn. p. 182. 9.
X T O defcription is given of this bird, Angular merely from its
’ clapping the wings together during flight, fo as to be heard
at fame didance.
V ar.’ T .
D escription.
Turner pigeon, Will* orn. p. 182# 14»
'J * H E S E have a tuft of feathers hanging down backwards
from the top of the head, like the mane of a horfe. To thefe
are allied the Finnikins, which are very like, but lefs in fize.
• Twenty Guineas to be given for a pair of Powters is not uncommon,
f It is recorded of a Dragoon Pigeon, which is a breed between the Horfeman
and Carrier, that it flew from St. Edmondfbury to Bijhopfgate-ftreet in two hours
and a half, being feventy-two miles.— See Treat, on DomeJl. Pigeons, p. 90#
P I G E O N . 6*5
Spot Pigeon, Will, orn. p. 182. ij.
H I S is remarkable, from having on the forehead, above the
bill, a fpot, which is of the fame colour as thé tail 1 the body
and wings white.
Befides the above, the following are noticed by the connoiffeurs
in this branch, though not noted by the ufual Syjlematifts: fuch
as the Ruff—Nun— Laugher— Trumpeter, &c./: all of which may
be found, with many others, in the various treatifes on this
V ar. V.
D escription.
V arie t ie s .
• Columba montana, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 281. N* r j. 3.
Le Pigeon roux de Cayenne, Brif. orn- i. p. 131. N° 29. pi. 12. f. 2. PARTRIDGE P.
Perdix montana, Raii Syn. p. 183. N° 20.
Mountain Partridge, Sloan. Jam.^ ii. p. 304 pi. 261. f. I. — Brown. Jam.
p. 469.— Ed<w. iii. pi. 119.
Lev. Muf.
J ^ E N G T H eight inches and a half. Bill red, with a black Drscripiiok.
tip : irides red, furrounded with a warty fkin of the fame colour
: the upper parts of the body are rufous, with a purplifh
call j the under, as far as the bread, flelh-colour: the belly,
lides, thighs, and vent, inclining to rufous : the under wing
coverts, quills, and tail, rufous: legs red: claws brown.
This is faid to inhabit Cayenne. That of Jamaica, mentioned Place anb
by Edwards, differs fomewhat j. the forehead being of a clay- Manners.
colour: the head and neck reddifh purple: back, wings, and
tail, red brown, with a glofs of copper-colour: fore part of the
neck reddifh clay-colour: bread, belly, thighs, and under tail
10 coverts,