- Var. H.
2. V ar. I.
D escription»
fering chiefly in the eyelids, which are large and black: the general
colour cream or whitey with two diftindt black bars acrois*
the wings.
Columba cucullata, Lin* Syfi. i* p. 280. $.— Faun. Suec. N* 207. Frifch*
t. 150.
Le Pigeon nonain, Brif, orn. i. p. 74* E.— Buf. oif. ii. pi- 19*-
Jacobine, Raii Syn. p. 60. 6. — Will. om. p. 181. 6. pi. 33. — Albin, im
P1« 43*
Lev.- Muf
Ü I L L fhort: the feathers of the hind part of the head and
neck turn forwards, giving the appearance o f a cowl.
In the Leverian Mufeum is one of a dun colour#» The Pigeons-
called the Ruß, and Capuchin, belong to this variety.
Columba hifpida, Liu. Syß. i. p. 280. 6.
Le Pigeon frifé, Brif. orn. i. p. 76. G.— Buf. oif. ii. p. 519« 3*
Lev. Muf.
r p H I S is white, all but the legs, which are red ; and the feathers
of the whole body loofe in their webs, and curled, or
frizzled. This 'variety, I believe, is called the Laced Pigeon.
The Frill-lack is alfo fomewhat like this; the tip of each feather
being bent upwards. It is generally white.
Columba turbita» Lin. Syji. i, p. 280. "j.^Frifch, j>1. 147.
Le Pigeon a gorge frifee, B rif orr* i. p. 75. F.
— cravate, Buf- oif. ii. p. 513. pi. 33.
Turbitj Raii Syn. p, 60. N° 7.—»Will. om. p. 182.
le v . Muf.
H E bill is very fhort: crown o f the head flat; it differs
from others in having the feathers of the breaft reflected
both ways.
The Owl Pigeon alfo belongs to this, and has the breaft feathers
the fame; but is rather lefs, and always of one colour}
•whereas the Turkit is generally of two.
Columba laticanda, Lin, Syji. i . p , 28©. B.^Frifcb. t* 1 5 1 .
Le Pigeon Paon, Brif, orn. i. p, 80. P.— Buf. oif, ii, p. 512. pi. 22.
‘Broad and Narrow-tailed Shakers, Raii Syn, p. 6©. 3. 4.-—W ill, orn. p. 181.
3.4. pi. 34.
Br, Muf. Lev. Mtf,
rT ' H I S variety has a greater number of feathers in the tail *,
which it always carries ere£t; and is obferved frequently
to fhake the head. This is alfo called the Fan-tail.
The Narrow-tailed Shaker has fewer feathers in the tail j-.
Both vary much in colour.
* Often as far as twenty-fix.— Will. + Brif. orn. i. p. Si.
Va* . K.
Var. L.