P I G E O N. 623
Lev. Mu/. 10* J . V ar. A.
SI:ZE ° f a Common Pigeon: length ten inches. Bill yellowilh,
with a. black tip : back part of the head crefted, as in the
laft-defcribed : the forehead white, palfing backward on each fide
beneath the creft : eyelids red : round the eye not well clothed
with feathers, of a reddilh colour,, which palfes backwards in a,
point: the head and neck dark reddilh brown : breaft, belly, and
vent, violet black :: wings fine reddilh brown : back,,rump, and,
tail, dull brownilh green : tail coverts long, falling over the tail:
legs-reddilh yellow ri claws black.
Aipecimen.of the above is in the Peverian Miifeum, which was,
met with by, accident at a fale, without the leaft hiftory annexed.
It is molt probably only a different fex of the laft. For the pre-
fent, we lhall place it as a variety.,
Le Pigeon verd a tete grift d’Antigue,. Son. Foy. p. 112. t. 66, GREY-HEADED
g I Z E of the Common Pigeon, The bill of a dull red : the Desciuftion.
irides yellow : upper part of the head dirty white : hind part
of the head and fides of the neck reddilh brown, gloffed with
copper : the Idler quills are of a bright green, with a metalline
glofs, changeable in different lights : the greater quills and tail
black.: between the bend of the wing and the body there is a
iemicircular fpot, compofed of feathers half green half grey : the
reft of the body green ; the legs of a dull red.
Inhabits the IJle ofPanay. . p