two inches and a quarter long, and cuneiform j the two outer
feathers very fhort: legs dufky brown: claws black.
Inhabits Van Piemen’s Land, the moft fouthern part o f New
In Sir Jofepb Banks’s colleftion are fome of thefe birds ; one of
which differed from the above : the fhafts of the quills blackifh. :
the under part of the body dufky : and inftead of the blue
tranfverfe line at the back part of the head, was a large triangular
patch of the fame, with the point downwards- This dif-
tinciion, I make no doubt, arifes from fex.
V ar. A.
Gobe-mouche à tête bleue de L'Ifle de Luçon, Son. Voy, p. 58. pl. 27- f- I
D escription. g I Z E and fhape of the Long-hailed Litmoufe. Bill blackifh :
irides pale red : the head, throat, and hind part of the neck,,
deep blue : the neck, back, breaft, and belly, of a flaty grey :
wing coverts brown, appearing as a large fpot : quills and tail
black ; the two middle feathers of the laft longer by half than
the others : legs blackifh.
Inhabits the ifland of Manilla.
Motacilla cayana, Lin. Syf. i. p. 336. N* 40.
Le Pipit bleu de Cayenne, Brif. orn. iii. p. 534. N° 72. pl. 27. f. 1.—-
Bnf. oif. v. p. 339.—PL enl. 669. f. z.
D escription. J E N G T H four inches three quarters. Bill blackifh : forehead
and fid es of it, the fore part of the back, wings, and
tail, are all of a fine black : reft of the plumage blue : legs grey.
S ° 3
( Blue Man akin, Ectw. pi. 263.
Br. Mu/.
T H I S differs in havlnS only the throat black: the head
wholly blue: the wings, tail, and body, as in the laft.
Le Pitpit bleu de Cayenne, PI. enl.66g. f. 1.
Br. Mu/.
X H I S variety is the fame as the others, in the body, wings,
and tail : but the head is of a plain blue colour.
Ail thefe are found at Guiana,. BriJJbn fuppofes his bird to be
the Elotototl o f Fernandez *.
Le Pipit verd, Brif orn. iii. p. j j ,. N„ ?0. p l 2g> « ^—Buf. „ / r
W. S IZ E of the Pettichap | length four inches three quarters. Bill D escru-t io *.
brown : the head and upper wing coverts are blue : throat
blueifh grey : the reft of the body, with the greater coverts
bright green : quills brown, edged with green : lees erev
Inhabits Cayenne. ' S 8
This is merely faid to be the fize of a Chaffinch, of a white or blue
colour, and the tail wholly black, Rail Syn. p. « E % +.
Var. A.
D escription«
V ar. B.
D escription*