Place. ”
D e s c r i p t io n .
P lace.
D escription.
the belly whitilh : the tail, like the back, crofted with a band of
Inhabits Jamaica, where it is frequently called Mountain P igeon.
Sometimes found in the favanna woods in January.
J ^E N G T H eighteen inches. Bill an inch long, and red:
irides, and round the eyes, red : the upper parts of the body
are of a ruby red, glolfed with green on the fore part of thé
neck : quills duiky : rump blue : tail black: under parts from
the breaft white, inclining to blue towards the vent: legs red.
Inhabits Dujky Bay, New Zealand ■, called Hagarreroo.
Columba Madagafcarienfis, Lin. Syji. i. p. 283. N° 21.
Le Pigeon ramier bleu de Madagafcar, Brif. or», i. p. 140. N° 36. pi, 14.
f, i .— PL enl. 11.
Le Founingo, Buf, oif, ii. p, 339,
'J 'H I S is about the fize of the common Pigeon, and is ten
inches and a half in length. The bill red: the eyes
placed in a bare red ikin : the plumage is wholly of a blue black,
and very gloffy; the feathers on the neck narrower than the
others, and have a mixture of alh-colour ; the tail violet purple:
legs red : claws black.
This fpecies inhabits Madaga/car, where it is called Founingo-
Columba anftralis, Lin. Maniif. 1771. p. ;2g.
Le Pigeon ramier verd de Madagafcar, Brif. on. i. p. , 4a. N» 37. pi. 14.
f- 2,—B u f oif. ii, p. 540.— PI. enl. t it .
§ 1 Z E of the laft: length near twelve inches. The bill alh-
colour, with a reddilh cere : the head, neck, breaft, belly,
and Tides, are olive green: the back, rump, upper wing,
and tail coverts, the fame, but deeper : near the bend of the wing
is a fmall reddilh fpot: the quills blackilh above, and alh-co-
loured beneath; the outer edges brimftone-colour : the greater
wing coverts are tipped with the fame: the lower part of the
belly, and thighs, of the fame green as the body, mixed with
yellow and blackilh: the under tail coverts mixed rufous and
whitilh : the tail alh-coloured j the two middle feathers are o f a
deeper colour at the bafe : the legs are red j the claws alh-
This, likewife, is a native of Madagafcar, and is called there
by the name of Founingo-maitfiiu j is probably a mere variety of
the laft, or different in fex.
^*e Pigeon Hollandais, Son, Voy, Ind, vol. ii. p , 175. pi. 101.
. 'J 'H I S is much bigger than our Ring Pigeon. The bill
and irides crimfon : the feathers of the head, neck, and
breaft, are long, narrow, and pointed, and of a lingular con-
ftrudtion, appearing as a polilhed furface, in the fame manner as
the appendices of the wing feathers of the Bohemian Chatterer,
Vol. II. 4 N o;
„ 33*
V ar. A .
D escription.
D escription.