D escription.
Brumich fuppofes it to be a variety of the Greater Titmoufe i
but it has no black on the head.
This inhabits Norway.
La Große Mefange bleue, fir if. orn. iii. p. 54.8. N° 3.— Buf. oif. v. p. 453.
Parus indicus Aldrovandi, Rati Syn. p. 74. N° 7. — Aldronj. av. ii. p. 714.
fig. in 713.
Parus Dorfo dilute cteruleo inferne albus, &c. N. C. Petr. vol. xiv. p. 498.
N° I. t. 13. f. I. ( Lepecbin.f
Parus Cyan us, N. C. Petr. vol. xiv. p. 588. N° 8. t. 23. f. 3. (Politer.)
Azure Titmoufe, Aril. Zool.
Bill blackilh blue; the edges dirty white: forehead, crown,,
cheeks, and all the under parts, white, except an irregular oblong
blue mark from the bread: to the middle of the belly, and a blue
ftripe from the bill, through the eyes, to the hind head; beneath
which is a pale band: the bade, and rump are pale blue : upper
tail coverts deep blue; the ends white: the wings are varied
with white, lead-colour, and blue; the firft forming a band acrofs
the wing : the quills brown ; the primaries have the inner edge
white; the outer blue; towards the tip white; fecondaries white
at the tips: the tail is blue; the outer edges of the feathers
whitilh j moft fo in proportion as they are more outward; the
outer one of all has the whole of the outer web white 5 this feather
too is Ihorter than the others: legs and claws black.
This fpecies has hitherto been but very obfeurely known ; the
whole account being drawn from a painting of Aldrovandus *,.
who tells us that it was a native of the Eafi Indies.
• Aldrovand’s bird had a black fpot beneath the eyes; and the crown, as well
as the reft of the upper parts, was of a pale blue: irides yellow.
The bird here deferibed is feen throughout Ruffa and Siberia
in winter only; probably coming from the north. Frequently
met with about the fuburbs of St. Peterjburgh.
Parus peregrinus, Lin. Syji. i. p. 342. N° 10.
g I Z E of the Greater 'Titmoufe. General colour cinereous :
beneath wholly white : rump crimfon : quills brown: tail
black ; the four middle feathers have the ends obliquely tipped
with yellow ; but the two middle ones have leaft of that
Place unknown.
D escription.
Parus grifeus, Muller, p. 34. N° 284.
r J"' H E general colour of this bird is grey, except the crown,
which is crimfon *.
D escription.
Inhabits Greenland. Placé.
g I Z E of the Great Titmoufe: length fix inches. Plumage
above dulky: lides of the head, and round the eye, white: on
each fide of the neck a ftripe of the fame: at the hind head a
fpot of white : chin, throat, and breaft, black : belly dirty white:
* We have our fufpicions that this bird is no other than our Crimfon-crowned
Pinch-, p. 259. pi. 47. not yet arrived at full plumage.
D escription.
3 Z e quills