D escription.
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D escription.
L ’Hirondelle a ventre roux de Cayenne, Buf, oif. fi. p. 607.— PI. tnl* 724.
f. 1.
T E S S than our Chimney Swallow: length five inches and a
half. Bill half an inch long, and black : the forehead is
whitifh: the upper parts of the body glofiy black j the under rufous,
growing paler towards the vent: legs dulky.
Thefe are found at Cayenne, and not unfrequently as far north
as New Tork; and are the fort which M. Bajon * mentions building
in houfes, without any mixture of mud, fabricating the neft
with mofs,dried plants, and Ihort bits of flicks, all united with a
fort of gum, fo as fcarce to be broken, lining it with feathers j
fufpending it from the beams and rafters, fides of walls, and
eaves of houfes; fometimes a foot and a half in length, and is
fixed by one of its fides, making the opening near the bottom.
The female lays four or five eggs. The young go out as foon
as their wings will fupport them.
L’Hirondelle au Capuchin roux, Buf. oif. vi. p. 608.
Hirondelle à tête roulîe du Cap de Bonne Efperance, PI. en/. 723. f. 2.
J ^ E N G T H feven inches. Bill half an inch, and black :
the whole top of the head, below the eyes on each fide, and
the nape behind, is deep rufous, mixed with black : the back
part of the neck, back, and wing coverts, blue black : quills
brown, edged with lighter brown : tail forked ; blackilh ; all the
feathers, except the two middle, marked with an oval fpot of
* * Mem. fur Cayenne, vol. ii. p . 275.
white, appearing, as in ours, only when the tail is fpread : the
throat brown, mixed with white: the reft of the under parts
yellowilh white, marked with perpendicular blackilh ftreaks!
legs dulky.
This inhabits the Cape of GooMfope, where it builds in houfes,
fixing the neft to the cielings; making it of mud without, and
of feathers within, o f a round lhape, with a kind of cylindrical
entrance. The female lays four or five Ipeckled eggs.
Hirundo Senegalenfis, Lin. Syß. i. p. 345. N° 8.
L ’Hirondelle da Senegal, Brif. orn. ii. p. 496. N° 5 pl. 45. f. 1.
La grande Hirondelle à ventre roux du Senegal, Buf, oif. vi. 610.— PL enl,
rr "*H IS is a large fpecies, meafuring eight inches and a half
in length, and expands fifteen inches and a quarter. Bill
eight lines long, and dulky; top of the head, hind part of the
neck, back, and wing coverts, glofly fteel black : quills and
tail black; the laft much forked : the rump, and all the under
parts of the body, rufous ; very pale on the throat, and under
the wings.
This inhabits Senegal.
L ’Hirondelle à ceinture blanche, Buf. oif. vi. p. 6 u .
Hirondelle de Cayenne, à bande blanche furie ventre, PI. enl. 724. f. 2.
L E N G T H fix inches. Bill half an inch long, and black :
the whole bird is black, except a band of white acrofs the
belly, and a fpot of the fame on the outer part of the thighs :
tail forked.
10 Found
Place and
D escription,