696 C U R A S S 0 W.
Crax Pauxi, Lin. Syß. i. p. 270. 5.
Le Hocco du Mexique, Hr if. orn. i. p. 302. 14.—Buf. oif. ii. p. 348.
Le Pierre de Cayenne, PI. ml. 78.
Pauxi, Raii Syn. p. 52. 5.— Will. orn. p. 161. 394.
Cufliew Bird, Ethv. pi'. 295. f. 2. Lent. Muf.
D escription. C I Z E of the others, but rather of a more elegant make. Bill
red : at the bafe of the forehead is a very large gibbofity, as
big as a fmall pear, and not unlike it in fhape; this is very hard,
and of a fine blue colour; the bafe of the mandible is alfo blue:
F emale.
the plumage is of a gloffy purplilh blue black, except the lower
belly, under tail coverts, and tip of the tail, which are white :
the legs are pale red: claws black.
The female differs only in having thofe parts brown which are
red in the male.
P lace. Thefe inhabit Mexico.
c r y in g c .
Le Chacamel, Buf. oif. ii. p. 394.
Chachalacamed, Fern. Biß. N. H. els. 41.—Rail Syn. p. 163.
D escription« f p H E bird here fpoken of is mentioned by Fernandez, who gives
a very (light defeription j viz. that the bill is blueilh : the
back brown : the bread blue : and the belly of a whitilh brown :
and that it is of the fame lize with the others.
Place. This inhabits Mexico, and cries like other Fowls, or rather
like the whole family of the Poultry-yard together; for it is fo
loud and fo continual, that one of thefe often makes more
noife than all the reft of them put together. Thé Mexican name
Chachalacametl, lignifies Crying Bird. This is faid to frequent
mountainous places, as the Curajfows, do, where it brings up
the young. - . „iGdueXnTTuT sfl
N* i. Wild Cock.
Var. A. Domeftic C.
— — B. Crefted C.
------C. Darking C.
------D. Frizzled C.
— — E. Rumplefs C.
------F. Dwarf C.
------G. Bantam C.
----- - H. Rough-footed
------I. Turkifh C.
------K. Paduan C.
------L. Negro C.
------M. Silk C.
N* a. Superb Pheafant.
3. Argus Ph.
4. Common Ph.
Var. A. Ring Ph.
— — B. Variegated Ph.
------C . White Ph.
— ■ D. Hybridal Ph.
m E . Turkey Ph.
5. Painted Ph.
6. Pencilled Ph.
7. Crefted Ph.
8. Motmot Ph.
9. Parraka P.
10. Courier Ph.
T H E bill in this genus is convex, Ihort, and ftrong.
Head more or lefs covered with carunculated bare flelh
on the fides, which in fome is continued upwards to the crown,
and beneath fo as to hang pendent under each jaw.
Legs (for the mod part) furnilhed with (purs behind.