P lace an;
lefs fpotted, than in the common L a rk : the rump almod dedi-
tute of fpots : the bread and belly white, with a dalh of yellow :
the throat is fpotted as in the common Lark: the tail is above
two inches in length ; the two outer feathers white on the outer
edges, with a dafh of red.
This defcription is from Willughhy; who obferves, that it differs
from the common Lark, fird, in bignels ; fecondly, in the cred;
thirdly, in the colour of the back, which is lefs fpotted, and not
fo beautiful; fourthly, in the meafure of the tail, which in this
bird is Ihorter; fifthly, that it foars not fo much in the air, and
when it mounts up, days not fo long there; fixthly, that it flies
not in flocks, as they do; ladly, it is frequently feen about the
banks of lakes and rivers.
This fpecies is faid to be found in feveral parts of Europe; in
Italy, Germany, France, Denmark, and RuJJia: but I do not find
it in thefe kingdoms *, nor does Linnaus mention it as belonging
to Sweden.
It fings well, like the Sky-lark: lays four or five eggs, hatching
them in a carelefs manner; and, if choice is to be had, prefers
the neighbourhood of junipers to be beneath. It is faid to hatch
twice in a year.
• Sibbald mentions it to have been met with in Scotland, but not on Efficient
grounds to place it in the Br. Zee/.
La petite Alouette hupée, Brif. orn. iii. p. 361. N° 9.
Le Lulu, ou la petite Alouette huppée, Buf. oif. v. p. 74.— P/, enl. 503. f. 2.
Alauda criftata minor, Raii Sjn. p. 69. A. 5.
Lefler Crefted Lark, WilU orn. p. 207.— Br. Zool. i. N° 141»
n p H I S is lefs than the laft fpecies, Aldrovandus * is the only
one who deferibes it j who merely obferves, that it is not fo
- 11_ A A „d T « tTiff ,
in proportion to the fize of the bird, and that the legs are red. It
is faid likewife, that it flies in flocks, contrary to the Greater
Creded Lark, which is feldom feen but alone. It is for the mod
part met with in woods and thickets, where it makes its neff.
This has been met with in Italy, Auftria, Poland, and Silejia;
as alfo in the northern parts of England, being faid to be found in
plenty in Torkjhire.
La Coquillade, Buf. oif. v. p. y j.— FI. cut. 66z.
T 1 H I S is fix inches, and three quarters long. The bill nearly
an inch long, and rather doutbrown above, and whitilh
beneath : on the crown is a cred, which it can ere£t at pleafure ;
the feathers which compofe this are black, with white edges : the
plumage on the upper parts of the head and body is blackiffi
and pale rufous mixed : the greater wing coverts tipped with
white: the wing and tail feathers brown, with pale rufous
edges, a few of the wing feathers excepted, which are margined or
tipped with white : the throat,, and all the under parts of the body,
• Orn. ii. p. 37-1.
D escription,
D escription