D escriptio:
Place and
on the breaft are two black curved bands, joining at their ends,
and are alfo united together in the middle by a line of the fame :
the lefter wing coverts are like the back 5 the others yellow,
and the fecond quills part brown part yellow; the prime quills
dirty brown, with yellow edges : the two middle tail feathers
greenilh grey ; the others blackilh brown ; the two outer ones
white, as are the thighs and vent: the legs pale rufous.
Motacilla flava, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 331. N° 12.—Faun. Suec. 253.— Scop. amt. i.
W. N° 226.— Brun. N° 273, 274.—Muller, N° 273.—~Kram. el. p. 374. 2.
— Frijch. pi. 23.— Georgi Reife> p. 174.
La Bergeronette de Printemps, Brif. orn. iii. p. 468. N° 40.— Buf. oif. v.
265. pi. 14- f. I.— /’/. en\. 674. N°'2.
Yellow Water Wagtail, Rail Syn. 75. A. 2.—Will. orn. p. 238. pi. 68.
.—Ed=w pi. 158. (the female.)— Br. Zool. i. N° 143.—Arct. Zool.
Br. Muf. Lev. Mu/.
<. J^ E N G T H fix inches and a half. Bill black : irides hazel :
the head, and upper parts of the body, olive green; rump
paleft: under parts, from the breaft, bright yellow : on the throat
a few black fpots : over the eye a ftreak of yellow; through the
eye a fecond of dulky; and beneath the eye a third of the fame
colour: lefier wing coverts as the back; the others dulky, edged
with pale yellow : quills dulky : the tail black, except two of
the outer feathers, which are half black half white, divided obliquely
: legs black: the hind claw very long.
The female is much lets bright in colour: the ftreak over the
eye whitilh, and wants the black markings on the throat.
This is common in moift meadows and corn-fields in England
in the fummer-time, migrating, or at lead; Ihifting its quarters,
in the winter *. In France it is feen at all times of the year,
except the winter is uncommonly fevere, changing the uplands
for the fides of gentle ftreams, when food grows fcarce in the
It makes the neft in the corn-fields f , on the ground, compofing
it of bents and fibres of roots, lining it with hair. The eggs
are five in number, varied with dulky fpots and lines, without
any order.
Bergeronette de 1’Ifle de Timor, Buf. oif. v. 27;.
J i^IL L black, rather ftout at the bafe, leflening towards the
point, and a trifle curved: the upper part of the plumage
is cinereous grey : beneath yellow : over the eye a line of yellow
: greater wing coverts tipped with white, forming a band
acrofs the wing : quills and tail black : legs pale red : the hind
claw twice the length of any of the others.
Found in the IJle of Timor, in the Eaft Indies.
Motacilla citreola, Ball, Trav. iii. p. 696. 14.
A Trifle bigger than the Ylllow Wagtail, but not unlike it.
The head, neck, and all beneath, yellow: on the nape is
a blackilh crefcent : the back of a blueilh alh-colour: wings
and tail like the JFellow Wagtail.
* Some remain all the year, in Hamfjhire. Br. Zool.
1* In holes, under fallen trees and logs. Frifcb.—Often .under the 'banks qf
iftreams. HiJL des oif.
V ql. II. 3 F x Yery
V ar. A.
D escription.
D escription*