The note, or call, of this bird may be heard a great way off,
and is a kind of dull whiffle, which it makes exaftly at fun-fet
every evening, and at break of day; by the imitating of which
the natives decoy the birds within reach of the gun or net.
CINEREOUS T . Le Tinamou cendré, Buf. oif. iv. p. j io.
H I S is only twelve inches in length. The bill is fixteen
lines long : the plumage an uniform cinereous brown, except
the head and hind part of the neck, which have a rufous
tinge : the Ihape of the bird exaftly coincides with the former.
Place. This is found in the fame places as the laft ; but is-much lefs
D escription.
Pl. LXV.
D escription.
Le Tinamou varie, Buf. oif iv. p. 511 .—Pl.enl. 828.
■ — ■ — Mem. fur Cay. ii. p. 272.
T E N G T H eleven inches. Bill one inch and a quarter long,
and dulky; the under mandible yellowilh : the head and
upper part of the neck behind are black: the reft of the upper
parts tranfverfely barred with reddilh brown and black; about
the eye pale, and not well clothed with feathers : the throat and
middle of the belly are white : the neck, breaft, and upper part
of the belly, rufous: fides and thighs barred with brown, rufous,
and white: quills plain brown : the tail is very little longer than
the wings when folded up : the legs dulky.
This is pretty common at Guiana, but much lefs fo than the
firft fpecies. The female lays ten or twelve eggs, of a beautiful
lilac-colour, and a trifle lefs than thofe of the Pheafant.
y M. Bajon