2 . 4- BLUE-
D escription.
F emale.
Pipra pareola, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 339. 2.
Manacus fuperbus, Pall. Spic. vi. p. 8. t. 3. f. 1.
Le Manakin noir hupe, Brif. orn. iv. p. 459. pi. $5. f. t .— PI. ettl. 687.
, f f. 2.
^Le Tije, ou Grand Manakin, Buf. oif. iv. p. 411. pi. 19.' f. 2.
Tijeguacu, Will. orn. p. 218. .
Blue-backed Manakin, Edzu. pi. 261. f. 1.
T Br. Mu/. Lev. Muf.
g I Z E of a Sparrow: length four inches and a half. Bill
dulky : irides fapphire blue : general colour of the plumage
black j except the back, and lefler wing coverts, which are of
a very fine blue: the top of the head has the feathers elongated,
and form a creft, flat on the top, and indented in the middle at
the back part, and may be erefted at the will of the bird; the
colour of this is a glowing crimfon : legs red.
Young birds are at firft green all over, except the creft,
which is crimfon, but lefs bright: this we are allured of from
now and then meeting with birds with mixed colours of blue,
green, and black, in their various intermediate approaches towards
their perfeft ftate.
It has been mentioned likewife to us, that the females are
wholly of the olive-green colour *, ever remaining fo during’
life, but ftill retain the creft like thf male ; however we will not
allure this for faft.
Thefe birds are natives of Brajil and Cayenne, and have alfo
been met with in the ljle of Cuba.
Both the above-defcribed are in the Leverian Mujeum.
* See PI. ettl. 303. f. 2.
Pipra ferena, Lin. Syfi. i. p. 340. N” U .— IV. C. Petr. vol. xi. p. 433.
*, t. 15. f. 5.
Le Manakin à front blanc, Brif. orn. iv. p. 457. N° 9. pi. 36. f. 2.— PI. ettl.
324. f. 2.'
Le Manakin varie, Buf. oif. iv. 423.
Lev. Muf.
g I Z E of a Wren : length three inches and a half. Bill half
an inch ; colour black : the forehead appears white, but the
feathers are black at the bafe, then blue, tipped with white : on
the crown the white filvery tips are wanting, whence it appears
blue: the reft of the head, neck, breaft, body, wings, and tail,
are of a velvety blueilh black: the rump is blue: the belly,
thighs, and vent, fine orange : legs black.
Pipra manacus, Lin. Syf. i. p. 340. N° 12.
Le Manakin, Brif. orn. iv. 442. N° 1.
Le Cafle-noifette, Buf. oif. iv. 4I3*
Manakin du Brefil, PI. enl. 302. f. 1.
Black-capped Manakin, Edw. pi. 260. f. 1.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf.
T E N G T H four inches and a quarter. Bill half an inch long,
and black : crown, and hind head, black: the chin, fore
part of the neck, and under parts of the body, white; which
palling round the lower part of the neck, forms a ring at that
part: on the wings a white Ipot: the reft of the plumage dull
black: legs orange.
3 X
W H I T E -
F R O N T E D M .
D escription.
D escription.
V o l . II. Manakia