446 W A R B L E R .
They are pretty common at Aljace ; and are thought very good
food, many being at times caught for the ufe of the table.-
+- BLUE W.
Motacilla fialis,. Lin. Syft. i. p. 336. N° 38.
Le Rouge-gorge bleue de la Caroline, Brif. orn, iii. p. 423. N° 23y—Buf. oift.
v. p. 212.—PI. enl. 390. 1. 2.
Blue Red-breaft, Edvi. pi. 24.
Blue Bird, Cate/b. Car• vol. i. pi. .——Ar£l. Zooh
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf.
D escription. rJp H IS is bigger than our Red-ireajl, and in length five inches
and three quarters. The bill blackilh : the upper parts of
the plumage of a very fine blue : the throat, fore neck, breaft,
and fides, of a fine rufous red: belly and under tail coverts
white : legs black. In fome birds there is a little mixture of
blue on the breaft.
Female. The female is not far different, but the colours not near Id.
bright: the blue mixed with dulky, and the fecondaries edged
with white.
Place and
This fpecies is migratory , coming into Carolina,. Virginia, the-
Jerfeys, and New Tork, very early in the fpring, fometimes even
when the fnow is on the ground. Suppofed to come in flocks,
as great numbers appear all at once. Feed on the early Ephemera
in March , frequent fields where Maize and Mulleins grow,,
and perch on the ftalks, in order to pick off the flies. 1L allb
often feen on rails, and jumps after the flies within reach, like the
Flycatcher. Is never feen on trees, though faid to make the neft
in the holes of them. Flies fwift, and has a plaintive kind of
note, but not what may be called fong.
It alfo is found in the Bermuda illes.
w a r b l e r . 447
Motacilla Dumetorum, Lin. Syft. i. P. 334- A P- 377-
N° i y.— Georgi Reife, p. 174-
ilh : throat and breaft white.
Inhabits Ruffia.
D escription.
P lace*
D escription.
Motacilla cinnamomea, Lin. Syji, i. p. 335* N° 32.
t t E r Y like the Red-tail. The upper parts] of the body are
V hoary • the throat black: breaft, belly, and rump, cnmfon j
the quills black, the four firft red at the bale, forming in one fex
? red fpot in that part: tail black, the four middle feathers
obliquely rufous on the fides. Place.
Inhabits the ifland of Ceylon, | |
T E N G T H feven inches. Bill black, and pale at the bafe#
^ plumage above, olive brown, middle of each feather dark-
eft : from the bafe of the bill to the eye rufous yellow i throat
the fame : on each fide of the jaw a blackifh ftreak : breaft rufous,
dafhed perpendicularly with blackilh : belly white, the
Tides dalhed with dulky black : wing coverts dark olive brown,
with reddifh white tips : quills frill darker, with yellowifh edges.
tail even, but the feathers pointed at the ends, outer feather
white , the end of the fecond white, the reft brown. egs p e
yellow brown. Place.
In the collection of Sir Jqfeph Banks.
l e n g t h