very quick, leaping up frequently after the flies, &c. which are
too high for their catching on the ground.
It is a fpecies very far fpread, being found throughout the
whole of the old continent *. It is mentioned by authors as
migratory for the moft part; with us it Ihifts its quarters to the
fouth, as the winter approaches, and I believe part of them migrate,
as I do not recoiled! feeing lo many in winter as the
fummer fealon. In Scotland, and in the north of England, fcarce
ever feen in the hard weather.
This, and others of this clafs, are called, both by the French
and ourfelves, Wajher-•women, or Dijh-wajbers.
In the Leverian Mufeum is a fine variety ; white, except the
hind parts, which are y.ellowilh.
V ar. A.
D escription. g I Z E of our Wagtail. Bill black: irides hazel: forehead,
as far as the crown, round the bill, and the cheeks and throat,
are white: hind part of the head and neck, the lower part of the
neck before, and breaft, black: the back is alh-colour: acrofs
the.wing is an oblique bar of white, beginning at the baftard
wing : the quills are black, edged with white ; the outer ones
wholly black: the tail is black, except the two outer feathers,
which are white: legs black.
Place; Inhabits the ifland of Lufonia. I have alfo feen one which
came from Kamtjchatka, now in the pofieflion of Sir Jofeph
* I have met with this more than once in Chineft drawings.
La Bergeronette à Collier de Pille de Luçon, Son. Voy. p, 61. t. 29.
Lev. Muf.
La Bergeronette de Madraft, Brif. orn. iii. p. 478. N° 44,— Buf. oif. v. 275.
Black and White Wagtail, Rail Syn. p. 194. 3. pi. 1. f. 1.
Forked Wagtail, Id. N° 4. pi. i j f. 6.
B I L L , head, neck, breaft, and upper parts of the body,
black: the under parts white : there is alfo an oblique band
of white crofs the wing : the middle tail feathers are black, and
fome of the outer ones white, but how many of each is not
manifeft from either defeription or figure.
The forked Wagtail is moft likely the female, as it differs
merely in having thole .parts alh-colour which are black in the
Thefe inhabit Madras.
La Bergeronette griie, Brif. orn. Iii. p. 465. 39' pk z5-' A 1'— ^uf ‘ v*
p. 261 — IV. enl. 674. 1.
gOM EW H A T lefs than the faff: length fix inches three
quarters. Bill brown : the upper parts of the head, neck,
and body, cinereous grey: the under white: acrofs the breaft a
brownith band :: wing coverts- and fecondaries blackilh, edged
with whitilh S greater quills blackilh brown : the tail dulky black,
but the outer feather is white, except the bafe half of the
inner web j the fecond the fame, but the webs are white only for
one-third of their length, and the inner web black at the end:.
legs brown.
The female wants the band on the breaft.
We have not this in England, though authors talk of it as
common on the continent, where it is- frequently feen in the
D escription*
F emale*
D escription*
F emale.
P lacb and