ÏJ ..LII. w a r b l e r . 463
Motacilla calliope, Pall. Trav. iii. p. £97. N° 17.
Ruby-throat, Arft. Zool.
g I Z E of the Redftart. Plumage above, the colour of a
Nightingale : beneath,, yellowilh white : throat the colour
of vermilion, bounded on each lide by a black and white ftreak,
which takes rife at the bi l l: between the bill and eye black:
over the eye a ftreak of white : tail rounded, the colour of the
Inhabits the eaft part of Siiiria : firft met with about the river
Jenifei. Seen moftly on the tops of the trees. Is an excellent
finger, chiefly in the middle of the night.
g I Z E o f a Sparrow. Head and neck black : body and wings
moufe-coloured : from the bill, through the eye, palling
down on each fide of the neck, a white ftreak : the belly white,
except the middle, which is black : the tail black ; the outer
feather rather fhorteft, and fringed with white.
In the mufeum of Ch. Boddcwiy Efcjj but from whence unknown.
S I Z E of a Sparrow : length (the appendage of the tail included)
more than fix inches. Bill three quarters o f an inch,
ftrait, except the very tip j bafe of the under mandible white:
the head, and upper part of the body, dulky. reddilh brown,
mottled with yellow on the crown: between the bill and eye,
yellow, paffing in a ftreak over the eye to the hind head, where
it is. rufous: the wing coverts are rufous, mixed with brown,
9 except
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