P l a c e .
D escription*
F emale*
<e yellow feathers; the legs and feet are of' an elegant faffron-*
S( colour : but the claws dufky.”
Inhabits the ifland of St. Thomas.
Lev. Muf.
IT E N G T H feven inches and a half. The bill is fharply ca-
rinated on the top, and much incurvated at the end; the
bafe of it red, and the reft yellow : the general colour of the
bird green j yellowilh beneath : on the wings are two yellow
bars j fome of the wing coverts and fecondaries in this di-
reftion having yellow ends : the back and Ihoulders fine reddilh
chefnut: the outer part of the thighs alh-colour : the under tail
coverts ferruginous; but the vent itfelf is white: the tail is
rounded ; the two middle feathers green ; the others dark alh-
colour, with a bar of black about three quarters of an inch
from the end.
Another along with this, fuppofed to be the female, differed in
having the back and Ihoulders green ; and the under tail1 coverts
white, as well as the vent.
Thefe birds were met with in the ifland of fTanna, in the South
One fimilar to the above is among the drawings o f Sir f .
Banks; it was near eleven inches long : the bill not fo hooked :
the leffer wing coverts fpotted with white : the ends of the fe-
condary quills yellow on the outer web: the end of the tail very
pale: legs red.