4.16 TV A R B L E R.
The eggs five in number; of a pale reddilh brown, mottled
with a deeper colour, and fprinklfed with a few dark fpots.
The male takes turn with the female during, incubation j and
the young very early leap out of the neft, efpecially if afiy One
approaches it, and forfake it for ever.
The food is not confined 10 in fells, as it will, in defed of them,
eat the fruits of Spurge Laurel, Service, and Ivy. It feems to be
even fond of the laft, as they much frequent fuch trees as are
overgrown with i t ; and I have found more than once the berries
of ivy in their ftomaeh, at a time when there has been plenty of
infeds of all kinds. I once alfo knew a pair of thefe build in an
bid ivy-tree, pretty high from the ground.
The fong is much efteemed, and in many things almoft equalling
the Nightingale itfelf 5 fcarcely deficient, except in the delightful
variety of note of the laft-named bird. Hence by many
has been named the Mock Nightingale,
Of this there are two varieties.
Vas.' A.
La FauvettiS a tetfe noire, Brif. orn. iix, p. 383.
Ficedula varia, Aldr. av. ii. p. 739.
Description.# n pH IS differs from the other, in being wholly variegated with
white and black only.
Var. B.
La petite Columbade, Buf.oi/.v. p. 131.
r |"'HI S is fomewhat bigger: has the upper parts of a very
deep and almoft blackilh colour ; the throat white; and the
fides grey.
This is found in Provence, where it frequents the woods.
5 Fauvette
\V A R B L Ë R. 4 l7
Fauvette verdatre de la Louifiane, Buf. of. v p. 162.
I Z E of the Blackcap Warblef. Bill dulky: top of ijhe head
^ blackilh hind part of the neck deep alh-colour: fides and
Back pale brown, with a tinge of green : wings and tail blackilh,
edged with brownilh green ; above the eye a ftreak of white:
throat white : under parts of the body grey.
Inhabits Louiftana.
Motacilla curnica, Lin. Syjl. I p. 3?9- N«6. Paun.'Suic. N» 2#. — Saf.
an«, i. N° 228.—Muller, p. 32. N° 267. ' '
La Fauvette Babillarde, Brif.orn.iii. p. 384. N° 7 .—Buf.. o f. v. p. 135.
PI. enl. 580. f. 3.
Beccafico canapino, 06*. uc. p. 11. f: l .—Will. orn. pi. 23.
Br. Muf. -
T E N G T H five inches. Bill blackilh: crown of the head
. cinereous: the reft of the upper parts thé fame-, but inclining
to brown : beneath the eye a ftreak of deep afh-colour: the under
parts, and the edge of the wing, rufous white: quills brown,
edged within with white, and outwardly with rufous grey ; but
the greater ones with alh-colour: tail brown, edged with grey;
the outer feather on each fide has the outer web and tip white 5
the inner web cinereous, bordered with white; the middle feather
the fhorteft, making the tail fomewhat forked : legs brown.
This fpecies inhabits France and Italy y frequenting the hedges,
and building therein, not far from the ground. The eggs are
greenifh, dotted with brown *.
Von. H 3 H
» Alh-coloured, fpotted with ferruginous.— Fa«». Sure.
V ar . C.
D escription,
P lace*
D escription*
P lace ANft