+- WHIN-
D escription.
F emale.
feathers white on the outer webs; the under part of the body is
pale rufous.
Native place unknown.
Motacilla rubetra, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 332. N» 16.— Faun. Suit. 255.— Scop,
nnn. i. N° 237,— Brun. N° 277.— .Muller, N° 27c.— Kratn. el. p. 37c.
N° s ,_ Fri/ch. t. 22. t i n
Le grand Traquet, ou !e Tarier, Brif. orn. iii. p. 432. N° 26. pi. 24. f. 1._
Buf. oif. v. p, 224— PI. ml. 678. f. 2.
Whin-Chat, Rail Syn. p. 76. A. 3— Will. orn. p. 234_Br. Zool. i. N» i;8.
Arci. Zool.
Br. Mu/. Lev. Muf.
' J ’ HI S is a trifle bigger than the Stone-Chatter. The bill
black: indes hazel : the upper parts of the head, neck,
back, and rump, are blackilh, edged with rufous : from the bill
arifes a ftreak of white, which paffes over the eye on each fide,
almoft to the hind head: beneath this the cheeks are blackilh:
the chin is white: the reft o f the under parts rufous white; paleft
on the belly, and inclining to reddilh on the breaft : on the
wing, near the Ihoulder, is a tranfverfe white mark, and another
fmaller near the baftard wing, on the outer edge : the tail is
white for two-thirds from the bafe, the reft blackilh, except
the middle feathers, which are wholly of thislaft colour : the legs
are black.
The female differs in being paler, and the fpots on the wings
much lefs perceivable: the white trace over the. eye is far lefs
confpicuous; and, inftead of black, the fides of the head are of
the fame colour as the other parts of it.
10 This
This is not uncommon in England, and is feen along with the
Stone-Chatter on the heaths, during the fummer-months; where
it breeds, making the neft much after the manner of that bird.
It lays five dirty white eggs,, dotted with black *. It feems not
to be fo common as the Stone-Chatter, and in the northern parts
of England difappears in winter. I have feen them in Kent
throughout the year. This is common alfo on the continent o f
Europe, in France, Italy,. Germany, and the more temperate parts
of Raffia f ; but it is laid to be lefs common than the Stone-
Its food is chiefly infefls ; and is laid to be as good as the
Ortolan, when fat, and in good condition.
In the Leverian Mufeum are two fmall varieties ; the firft of
the common colour, except the belly, which is much varied with
white; the other with a confiderable mixture of pale grey on
the upper parts, and the tail feathers tipped with the fame.
Le Traquet du Senega], Buf. oif. v. p. 228.— PI. enl. 383. f. 1.
O I Z E of the laft. Bill black : the upper parts of the head,
neck, body, and wings, are deep brown ;. the edges of the
feathers rufous : on the wings are two white fpots, as in the laft
fpecies : the under parts are yellowifti white, inclining to rufous;
on the breaft: the tail is dulky, with pale margins : legs
Inhabits Senegal.
* Salerno fays blue. f Linneeus fays as far as Spitzbergen.
Place and
D escription,