SIBIRIAN T . Melange a Ceinture blanche. Buf. oif. v. p. 446.
>--------------de Siberie, PI. ml. 70S. f. 3.
B escriftion. L E N G T H five inches. Bill half an inch, and blackilh:
the chin, throat, and as far as the bread:, black : top of the
head, and all above the eye, greyifh brown: from the bill a
ftreak o f white paffes beneath the eye, after which it widens,
and occupying each fide of the neck,* paffes forward on the
bread: beneath the black : from this to the vent the colour is-
rufous grey : the wings and tail cinereous brown : quills edo-ed,
with rufous grey : the tail is above an inch and three quarters in
length, a little wedge-lhaped j the outer feather bordered with
rufous grey : bill and legs blackifh-
Place. Inhabits Sibiria. J
var/ a. -
Ba scription. L E N G T H five inches and a half. Bill black: upper part
of the plumage pale brownilh afh-colour: forehead and-
under parts white: down the middle of the throat and bread:
black : quills dufky, with hoary margins: the tail two inches,
and a half in length ; plain dufky : legs black.
This differs from the lad: in the length of tail, as well as in.
the chin- and throat; the black on which is not fo broad, nor is
the white which borders it fo confpicuous: the belly alfo has no
rufous tinge.
This was brought home in our laft circumnavigating lhips,
but from whence uncertain..
Ear UR