4 0 .
D e s c r i p t i o n ,
with white : tail like the upper parts of the body : legs cinereous
: the hind toe wanting.
Inhabits Madagafcar.
Caiilc de L ’lfle de Lujon, Son. Voy. p. 54. pi. 23.
Hp H I S is one third lefs than the European Quail. Bill greyilh:
the head, hind part of the neck, and throat, black and
white mixed, moft irregular on the firft: fore part of the neck
and bread chefnut red: belly pale yellow: the back is blackilh
grey : the greater quills grey ; the lefler ones yellow at the
ends, and in the middle of the yellow a fpot of black on each,
which is round, and half furrounded with chefnut red: tail Ihort:
legs pale grey : the toes only three in number, and all placed
Inhabits the ifland of Manilla,
G enus