with fpots of blue, which have a ftreak of white down the middle
of each: the back is greenifli blue : the bread: is blue and
green gold mixed: the belly, fides, and thighs, afh-colour,
marked with black fpots, ftreaked with white on the belly : wing
coverts and fecondaries- not unlike the back: the greater quills
green, tranfverfely barred with black lines, but growing yel-
lowifh towards the ends, where they are black: the upper tall
coverts are fewer than thofe of the Common Peacock, but much
lono-er than the tail; they are of a chefnut brown, with white
fhafts, and have at the end of each a large fpot gilded in the
middle, then blue, and furrounded with green :. the legs-are afh-
colour, and not furnilhed with fpurs
The female is fmaller; and differs in having the belly quite
black-, and; the upper tail coverts much fhorter: the tail green,
edged with blue, and white fhafts.
This inhabits Japan. Only known to Europe by means o f a
painting; fent by the Emperor of Japan to the Pope.
Pavo bicakaratus, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 268. 2.
Le Paon de la Chine, Brif. orn. i. p. 291. g.
L*Eperonnier, Biif oif. ii. p. 368.— PI. enl. 492* 493*
Le petit Paonde Malacca, Son. Voy. Ind. ii. p. 173* pi. 99.1
Peacock Pheafant, Edw. pi. 67. 69.
Lev. Mu/w
r r ' H I S' is bigger in th'e body than the Common Pheafant: The
bill is blackifh; but from the noftrils to the tip of the upper
mandible red': irides yellow : feathers on the crown of the head.
* Poflibly they might have been overlooked by the painter.
4, R.
D E s c a j P T i O H i
VOL. II. pretty