Place and
m a r t in ï c o P.
V ar. A.
D escription»
two middle tail feathers are the fame colour as the back; the
others dull alh-colour tipped with white: the legs are red:
claws brown.
- This inhabits the Eafi Indies. Edwards remarks, that it often
flirts up the tail, like the Wagtail. The fkin which furrounds the
eyes in Edwards's bird goes on to the bafe of the upper mandible.
Columba Martimca, Lin. Syft. i.. p, 283. N? 24.
Le Pigeon violet de Martinique, Brif. arn, i, p. 129. N° 27. pi, 12, f, 1,—
Buf. oif. ii. p. 525.— PL enU 162.
H I S is about the Cze o f a H u r tle the length nine inches
and a quarter. The bill red: the eyes are furrounded with
crimfon tubercles, and the hides are of the fame colour: the
head,, neck,, and upper parts of the body, are chefnut, with a.
glofs of violet: the under parts of the body more or lefs rufous r
the quills the fame as the upper, but on the outer edges only;
the inner rufous; but the tail feathers are the fame on both margins
the legs are red t claws brownifh-
Inhabits Martimca.
Le Pigeon de la Martinique, Brif. orn. i. p, 103. N? 14.
Le Pigeon roux de Cayenne, Buf. oif. ii, p. 526.— PI. enl. 14*.
'T 'H I S is a trifle longer than th_e laft. The bill black : the
head, neck, and bread, are purplilh chefnut ; but the feathers,
which furround the lower part of the neck have a gilded violet
glofs, forming a kind of collar : the upper parts of the body and
wings are rufous brown, with fbme fpots of black on the greater.
5 wing
wing coverts which are neareft the body : the belly, thighs, and
under tail coverts, light fulvous, with a vinaceous tinge : the
fides and under wing coverts alh-colour : the quills blackilh, with
the outer, edges whitifh ; the fecondaries the fame, with grey
tips : the two middle tail feathers are rufous brown ; the others
brown for two thirds of their length, with the outer margins rufous,
the inner deep alh-colour, the reft of their length black,
with grey tips s the outer feather alfo is grey on the outfide the
whole length : legs red : claws black.
This likewife inhabits Martinico.
Brijfon obferves, that this bird is called there by the name of
Partridge, as well as the laft-defcribed. Hence we may infer the
very great probability of their being mere fexual differences of
each other 5 the colours, as well as the diftribution of them,
not varying much. This is likewife the opinion of Buffon, who
thinks this laft to be the female.
Columba Jamaicenfis, Lin. Syft. i. p. 283. N" 25.
Le Pigeon de la Jamaique, B rif. orn. i. p. 134. N° 31 .— Buf. o if if. p. ran.
pi. 21. 3
Columba minor ventre candido, Rail Sjn. p. 63. N° 16.
White-bellied Dove, Sloan. Jam. if. p. 303. pi. 262. f. 1. — Brown, Jam.
p. 469.
Lev. Muf,
^ P 'H I S is nine inches in length. The noftrils are much elevated,
forming two tubercles at the bafe of the bill: the
irides white: the top of the head, and all the under parts of the
neck and body, are white : the hind part of the neck varied with
blue arid purple : the back, rump, and upper .tail coverts, purplilh
4 K 2 brown,
D escription.