P l a c e .
, 3I*
D escription.
BANA■3N2A-- W.
D escription.
o f the head and body, wings and tail, a full black : throat, fore
part of the neck, and fides of the body, ferruginous: between the
bill and eyes white: the chin, middle of the belly, and the
outer tail feathers, are alfo white : hind claw large.
Inhabits Buenos Ayres.
Le Bimbele, ou la PauiTe Linette, Buf.oif. v. p. 330.
T E N G T H five inches. Bill fharp-pointed : irides pale
brown : the plumage on the upper parts is brown, deepeft
on the head : rump and upper tail coverts olive green : wings
and tail brown, with paler edges ; the two outer feathers have a
band of white on the inner web, near the tip : the under parts of
the body are dirty yellowilh white as far as the belly; from
thence pale yellow.
Inhabits St. Domingo.
Lives both on feeds and fruits; keeps among the palm-trees,
in which it makes the nett.
Lays two or three eggs Only.
The fong confifts of four or five notes only, neither varied nor
ftriking, though not unpleafant, being foft and mellow.
The negroes call this bird Bimbele.
Le Banaftifte, Bvf,$if, v. p. 332.
JT^E N G T H three inches and three quarters. Bill black,
pointed, of a middle fize, and a trifle bent: the upper parts
of the bird are of a deep grey, almoft black'; approaching to
10 brown
brown on the wing coverts and ta il; the laft tipped with white,
and on the firft a white fpot: the Ihoulders of the wings are
yellow : juft over the eyes a ftreak of white; and a black one
from the bafe of the bill quite to the hind head : the throat is
greyifh afh-colour: breaft, belly, and rump; pale yellow: fides,
thighs, and vent, pale yellow and grey mixed:, legs' flate-
This inhabits St. Domingo. Makes the neft on the withs which ^tA0S ANtt
* M a n n e r ».
entwine among the trees ;- and ls.otten ieen'on the bananaSy on
which it is- fuppofed to feed, as well as on oranges, papau's, and
other fruits; though it is faid to eat feeds and infefts likewife.
Found often among the bulhes in the untilled grounds : flies by
jerks, but quick, making a little note at that time.. The fong is
little varied, and not remarkable.
It is known in its native place by the name of Bananijle~
Le Fieuier de Penfylvanie, Brif orn. vi. Suppl.T*• 10.2. 76* 133*
Le Demi-finmangeur Ad e vers, BuAf. ot-fc. „v .. Sp. 325. WORM-EATER,
Worm-eater, Edw. pi. 305.— Arbi. Z00L
g I Z E of a Hedge Sparrow. Bill dufky ; beneath flelh- D escrietion-.,
coloured : from the corner of the mouth, through the eye, a
narrow black line; juft above the eye a yellowilh line; above
that an arch of black : remainder of the head, throat, and breaft,
reddilh yellow, gradually growing white towards the ta il:. the
whole upper fide, wings, and tail, dark olive green : inner coverts
of the wings, and under the tail, alh-colour : legs flelh-colour.
This inhabits Penfylvania, where it is migratory, coming in Peace.
3 S 2 July,