D escription.
D escription.
La Fauvette des Alpes, Buf. elf. v. p.. 156. .pi. 10.—VI. enl. 668. F, z.
I Z E of the Bunting: length feven inches. Bill blackilh ;
the bafe of the under mandible yellow : the upper part of
the head and neck cinereous grey : back the fame,, mixed with
brown : wing coverts blackilh, tipped with whitefecond quills,
brown, with the outer edges pale rufous; the prime one the
feme, with whitilh edges :. the upper tail coverts brown, edged
with greenifti grey,, and-towards the tip pale rufous: the tail is.
rather forked ; all the feathers marked with a pale rufous Ipot
on the inner fide at the tip : the throat is white,, fpotted with
brown : breaft cinereous grey; and the reft of the under parts
grey, with a mixture of rufous.and white the legs yellowilh.
This fpecies inhabits the Alp, and the high mountains of
Auvergne anADauphiny, and has not been before deferibed: they
keep within thefe limits,, except the extreme fnows drive them,
from thence: are feen moftly on the ground, or on a ftone, feldom
perched on trees,, and are very Ihy birds-
■ Lev. Mu/.
T HIS. is a.large fpecies : length nine inches. Bill one inch
and a quarter, a little bent at the tip ;, colour- black, with
cinereous edges : the upper parts of the body, and tail,, are cinereous;.
beneath paler, marked with white ftreaks: chin and,
throat quite white : over the eye a ftreak of the fame, reaching
on each fide almoft to the hind head: the wings dark alh-colour,.
marked with pale brown, and a bar of the feme acrofs the
coverts :
cbverts : the quills have brown edges : outer tail feathers white:
legs black : toes long : hind toe and claw long and flout.
The female, or what is foppofed foch, has fewer ftreaks of
white on the breaft.
Inhabits Terra del Fuego. It is apt to vary both in fize and
length of bill. Met with on the fea-beach, and is foppofed to
live on Jheli-fiJh or fea-worms.
Le Pitchou dé Provence, B:f. riij. V. p. 158.'—PI, enl. 655. 1.
Dartford Warbler, Bn. Zool. i. N° 161. pi. 56.— Brel. Zool.
Lev. Mu/
* I ' HIS is fearfce bigger than a Wren, but, as the tail is half
the length, meafures above five inches. The bill is black,
With a white bale, and the upper mandible a little curved at the
tip: irides red: eyelids deep crimfon : the upper parts of the
head, neck, and body, dulky reddifh brown: breaft and belly
deep ferruginous; the middle of the belly white: quills dufky,
edged with white : baftard wing white : the exterior web of the
outer tail feather white ; the reft dulky, and half the length
of the bird : legs yellow.
This is a native of Provence in France, and is found among
cabbages, amongft which it fearches for food, living on fmall
infects which harbour there; it alfo takes up its nofturnal abode
under the ftielter of the leaves.
It is likewife met with in England. A pair was brought to me
killed by a friend on Bexley Heath, near Dartford, April 10, 177g,
fitting on a furze-buth. Thefe fed on flies, lpringing from the
bulh on fpying one within its reach, and returning to the fame
place repeatedly 5 in this imitating much the manners of our
Cinereous Flycatcher.
D escription*
Place and