630 P I G E 0 N . '
olive green, inclining to yellow, growing paler towards the vent,
where it is yellow: the under tail coverts are rufous, and as
long as the tail itfelf: the quills are blackifh above, and afh-
coloured beneath, edged with brimftone: the tail feathers are
afh-coloured above and blackifh beneath: the legs are red : the
claws black.
This I fhoiild take to be the bird above referred to in Sonnerat-
but the pale grey afh-colour * on the crown, mentioned by this
author, was not in Brijfon’s bird. Sonnerat fays the bill of his
bird was very fhort, and of a grey colour; and likens the yellow
colour on the breaft to orpiment, which Brijfon calls orange : in
other particulars both feem to anfwer.
F emale.
Le Pigeon vtrifenullede L’lfle de Lu;on, Son. Voy. p. I II. t. 69,
D escription. J N this the head, neck, and upper parts of the body, are of a
greyifh green : the breaft and belly yellowilh green : quills
black, edged with yellow, but the lefier ones have a reddifh
glofs: the tail black : the bill is longer in this than in the other,
and is, as well as the legs, afh-coloured : and the irides of a light
apple green.
This is the female of the laft. Both of them inhabit the
iflands of Manilla and Panay.
* Perhaps Brijfon might mean this very bird, when he fays that he faw one
fent from beyond the Ganger, which differed only in having the head of a fine
greyiih white.— Or*, vol. i. p. 145.
P I G E O N .
M Pigeon verd d’Amboine, Brif. cm. i. p, i4 !. N° »a. pi. i0 f
Buf. oif ii, p. 528.—PL enl. 163.
g I Z E of a Turtle: length ten inches and a half. Bill greenilh:
the upper part of the head is light grey before, deeper be-
hitid: the fides, throat, neck, breaft, belly, rump, upper tail
coverts, and tail, are olive green, inclining to yellow on the
neck and breaft: the under part of the tail is black at the bafe
and dirty white at the end , the under tail coverts dirty yellowilh
white : back, and wing coverts, fine chefnut; the tips of fome
of them yellowilh, forming a band on the wing; and below
thefe black, edged with yellow: bend of the wing blackifh :
qmlls black, edged with yellow, narrowed on the prime ones:
legs and claws grey *.
Inhabits Amboina.
U Pigeon verd de l’lfle de Sr. Thomas, Brif. cm. i. p. N° ,0._
Buf. oif. ii. p. j 28.
A Wild Pigeon from St. Thomas his ifland, Will. or», p. ,8-x.-R aii S,»,
p. 62. N° 7. - J
" T H I S ’” Willugloby, " i s of the bignefs and figure
“ of our country Pigeon, but its upper bill hooked, the
' foremoft half being of a blue colour, mixed with a little white
" and yellow, the hindmoft of a fanguine: the eyes are black,
“ with a circle of blue : the whole body is covered with green
" feathers, like a Parrot: the prime feathers of the wings are
" dulkilh, as is alfo the end of the tail: under the vent it hath
# R«d in PI, tnU
D e s c r i p t i o n
Place; .
D escription.