426 W A R B L E R .
At' the end of the fummer it is very fat, and delicate to
TAIL. Le Rouge-queue dela Guyane, Buf. elf. v. p. 186.—PI. enl. 686. f. z.
D escription. J ^ E N G T H fix inches and a half. Bill pale: the upper
parts of the head, neck, and body, are grey: the under parts
white: wings and tail, which is pretty long, wholly rufous :
legs pale flelh-colour.
Place. Inhabits Guiana.
TA IL. Lev» Muf
D escription. I . E N G T H f i x inches. General colour ofthe plumage black r
the top of the head lead-colour: feathers of the back
edged with dufky brown : quills dulky: outer edges of the fe-
condaries fringed with white: the two middle tail feathers are
dulky; the others red, like thofe of the Redjlart.
From whence unknown.
~ *7*
D escription.
Motacilla CaHra, Lin. Mantijf. 1.771. p. 527.
Cj j IZE of the White Wagtail. Head and back olive : over
the eyes a white ftreak: between the bill and eye black :
throat and rump ferruginous : bread: and belly whitilh : quills
brown: tail even, ferruginous ; the ends of the feathers brown.
Place. Inhabits the Cape of Good Hope.
W A R B L E R , 4*7
Mufcicapa ruticilla, Lin.Syft. i. p. 236. 10.
Le Gobe-mouche d'Amérique, Erif. urn. ii. p. 383. M. 500.
f. I. z.
Le petit Noir-Aurore, Buf. oif iv. p. 546.'
Small black and orange-coloured bird, Rail Syn. p. 188. 5.— Sloan. Jam.
Small American Redftart, Edw.fl. 80.*—Catejl. Car. i. pi. 67. (the male.)
Yellow-tailed Flycatcher, Edna. pi. 257.* (the female.)
Black-headed Warbler, Jr a. Zool.
Br. Muf. Lev. Miff.
C I Z E of the Pettichaps : length four inches three quarters. Descrutiow.
^ Bill blackifh; the bafe befet with a few briftles : the head,
neck, and upper parts, are black : the wings are alfo black, with
a deep orange bar acrofs the middle of them; Tides of the body
orange: the belly, thighs, and vent, pale orange: the tail
orange, with one-third of the end black j but the two middle
feathers are wholly black.
The female has the upper parts brownilh afh-colour: the under F emale.
white : tail, wings, and Tides of the body, the fame, but yellow
inftead of orange: legs in both brown.
Mem. Edwards's bird is lefs than that of Catejby.
This inhabits the fhady woods of North America, as far a3 Place,
Hudfon’s Bay, in fummer ; in winter migrates; and is then faid
to be found in Jamaica and the neighbouring iflands.
* I have great fufpicioti that both thefe birds belong to the genus of Fly-
catcher, and are the fame, except in fex ; iffo , it would have been moil proper
to have placed them under that genus, rather than the prefent one. I have only
examined thofe from Hudfon’s Bay, which appear to be true Flycatchers ; and it
remains Hill in fufpenfe whether Catejby's bird and that of Sloatte be the fame;
as one lhewn to us for the female of the laft had the bill of a Warbler.