4* Otis Atra, Lin- SyJ}- i. p. 964. 4«
WHITE-EARED Knor-Cock, Knor-Hen, Kali. Cape, ml, ii, p. 139. pi, 7. f. r. JB.
Pl. lxex.
D escription« g I Z E of a large fow l: length twenty-two inches. The bill
yellow, and a trifle bent at the end, where it is black: the
crown of the head is blaekilh brown, irregularly barred with
white lines; on each fide of it a white lines on the ears a large-
fpot of white : the reft of the head, with the forehead, neck, and-
under parts of the body, black : round the lower part of the neck
behind a band of white, which paffes forwards to the bread like a
collar, but does not quite meet before : the upper parts of the
body, great part of the wings, and tail, are deep blackilh brown,
crofted with irregular ftreaks of different Ihapes, and of a rufous
colour : the outer edge of the wing and quills are black r above
thefe a large bed of white, occupying almoft the whole length of
the wing : the fecondaries are longer than the quills, and hang
over and hide them, in a ftate of reft: the tail confifts of fourteen
feathers, is five inches in length, and a little rounded; all the
feathers marked not unlike thole of the back, but more inclined to
ajh-colour, paleft at the end; befides which, all but the two middle
ones are crafted with two bars of black- The lower part o f
the feathers, round the middle of the thighs, are white : the legs-
F emale.
are yellow : claws black.
The female has the head and neck like the back, but the lines
more delicate, and the bread and belly black, like the male;
but the white fpot on the ears, and ring at the lower part of the
neck, are wanting.
The white patch on the ears is fo confpicuous, as to defer