D escription.
D escription.
D escription.
La Fauvette de Cayenne a Gorge brUne & Ventre jaune, Buf, of. v. 163.
C I Z E of the Yellow Wren. The bill broadened and flat at
the bafe, almoft like that of the Flycatcherv the upper parts
of the head and body are greenilh brown: throat the fame: wing
coverts and quills brown, margined with pale rufous: thofe of
the tail greenilh : breaft and belly yellow, with a fulvous
Inhabits Cayenne-
La Fauvette bleuâtre de-St. Domiugue, Buf. rif. v. 164.
e p H I S is a very fmall fpecies, meafuring in length only four
* inches and a half. T h e plumage on the upper parts is cinereous
blue : wing coverts and quills brown j on-the firft a fpot of
white -, the laft edged with cinereous blue : the throat is black,
and the reft of the under parts white.
Inhabits St. Domingo.
’Lev. "Muf.
P I L, L pale: head, hind part of the neck,, back, and tail, cinereous
blue • between the Ihoulders olive yellow: throat and
breaft yellow : belly white : tips of the wing coverts the fame,
forming a bar : end of the tail very pale : legs pale brown.
Inhabits America.
Le Cou-jaune, Buf. oif. v. 165.— PI. enl. 686. f. 1. 37-
C I Z E of the Pettichaps: four inches and three quarters long.
^ The bill is dulky : the head greyifh black, growing paler at
the back part of the neck, which, with the back, is of a deep
grey : over the eye, and round it, is a ftreak of white; and adjoining
to it, between the bill and eye, a range of yellow dots •
wing coverts white and black, in bands : quills bordered with
grey: the throat, neck, and breaft, are yellow : fides of the neck
marked with black fpots : belly white: fides dotted with black :
the tail and quills dark grey, and the four outer feathers marked
with large fpots of white: the legs greenilh grey.
This is a moft beautiful little bird j and the manners are as
lingular as its beauty. It is found at St. Domingo; and forms a
penfile neft, of a curious conftruttion. It is compofed of the fmall
dry fibres of plants, fmall roots, and decayed leaves. It hangs
by the top, and plays with every blaft of wind. The opening is
at the bottom,through which the bird rifes fome way over a kind
of partition, and defeends again to the bottom, where it lays the
eggs on a foft downy matter fpread .thereon, and hatches the
brood in perfedt fafety.
The eggs are only three or four in number s but the bird repeats
this more than once in the year; for young ones have
been obferved in June; again in March; and a third time at the
end of Augufi or beginning of September.
It is moft fond of fufpending the neft on fuch withs as hang from
tree to tree, and chiefly thofe which overlook the water, whereby
the fecurity is made more certain.
Added to the reft, birds of this fpecies have a very delicate
Vox.. II. 3 L fong,
D escription.
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