Place and
D escription.
D escription.
All of them are met with in Guiana, as well as at Brafil and
Mexico, and herd together; moftly frequenting woods ; and have
the fame chirping note common to almoft all of this genus '■ but
Linnaeus obferves, that the laft-defcribed lings remarkably well,
and is met with among the reeds.
Pipra Leueocephala, Lin. Syjl. i. 340. N° 8.—Mu/. Adolph, ii. p< 33*
'T ' H I S is the fize of a Wagtail, but the bill ftronger. The
whole head is white: the reft of the body black : about the
mouth are feveral pretty ftrong briftles.
Inhabits Surinam.
Pipra Gutturaiis, Lin. Syjf. i. p. 340. N? 10. -
Le Manakin a gorge blanche, Brif orn. iv. p. 444. N° z. ph 36. f. W
Buf. oif. iv. p. 421— PL mi. 324. f. 1.
. Br.Muf.
T E N G T H three inches eight lines. Bill four lines and a
^ half . the upper mandible blackilh; the lower white: the
whole body is of a fine polilhed fteely black, except the fore part
of the neck and throat, which are white : fome of the middle
quills are alfo more or lefs white on the inner webs : legs.and
claws red.
Inhabits the hotter parts of America.
Pipra aureola, Lin. Syji. i. p. 339* 7. Dr * / *
Le Manakin rouge, Brif. orn. iv. p. 452. N° 6. pi. 34. f. 3* uf 0lf ' 1V*
p. 415.— PL enl. 302. f. 2.
Red and black Manakin, Ed<w. pi. 261. f. 2.
Br. Muf»
T E N G T H three inches three quarters. Bill half an inch,
'L ' and black ; the bafe of it furrounded with orange: head,
neck, throat, and breaft, crimfon (in fome orange): back,
rump, fcapulars, upper wing and tail coverts, belly, and fides,
black) with a glofs of polilhed fteel: the middle of the belly
inclines to red* : thighs grey: on the wings is a white fpotj
beneath them yellow : legs and claws red.
The upper part of the body of the female is olive, with a mere
trace of red furrounding the head like a crown: the under parts
of the body olive yellow : the reft as in the male. Young birds
have the whole body of an olive-colour, except the head,
throat, breaft, and belly, which are marked with red fpots.
This fpecies is very common at Guiana, the moft fo of all of
this genus.
Pipra aureola, (3: Lin. Syfi. i. p. 339* 7’ ,
Le Manakin orange, Brif. orn. iv. p. 454. N° 7. Bttf. oif. iv, p. 417.—■
PI. enl. 302. f. 3.
Black and yellow Manakin, Edna. pi. 83. f. 2.
Q I Z E of the laft. Head, neck, breaft, belly, and fides, orange :
*77 reft of the plumage black, except the thighs, which are
* In PI. enl. the forehead, chin, throat, .and edge of the wing, are yellow.
D escription.
V ar. A.
D escription.