LAND 1'.
D e s c r i p t i o n .
P lace.
T I T M O U S E .
and rounded in lhape; the colour of it black; the two outer
feathers white, with the ends black, divided obliquely ; the next
-white within near the tip * : legs dufky brown.
The female is pale brown above; all beneath yellow: the bill
and fpot over it as in the male: quills dulky.
In the colle&ion of Sir J . Banks. Found in Queen Charlotte s
Bay, New Zealand, and called there Mrro-M'irro.
r E N G T H five inches. Bill fmall, being only a quarter of
^ an inch in length; colour of it brown, with the tip
dulky : the forehead rufous : the upper parts of the body pale
•cinereous red, mixed-with brown i over the eye a white ftieak:
beneath the eye, and fides of the head, cinereous : under parts
pale rufous grey : quills pale brown: tail the colour of the
back; the two middle feathers black; the others marked with a
fquare fpot of brown about the middle of each feather : the legs
are an inch in length, of a dulky colour; claws black.
This is met with at Dufky Bay, New Zealand, where it is called
Toe-Toe. From Sir J. Banks’s, drawings.
parus Amcricanus, Lin. SjB. i. p. 341* N° 4.
Le Figuier cendre de la Caroline, Brif. vrn. iii. p- 522- N* 66. PI. ml.
731. f. 1.
____________ . a Collier, B :f. oif. v. p. 301.
Pinch-Creeper, Catejb. Car. i. pi. 64.—Ar£t. Zeol.
C I Z E of the White Throat. The upper mandible brown 5
^ the lower yellow : the head blue; a white fpot over the
' * In fome birds four of the middle tail feathers only are black; all the others
-white, with the-onter edges and tips black: the bill is alfo black.
eye, and another under i t : upper part of the back yellowilh
green ; the reft of the upper parts, and tail, dulky blue : wing
coverts fpotted with white, forming two bands of that colour on
She wings: throat and breaft yellow; the laftdeepeft: on the
lower part of the neck a half collar of black: belly white: fides
marked with reddilh fpots: quills blackilh, edged with blueilh
alh-colour ; within white : tail rather forked, and blackilh ; the
two middle feathers cinereous blue; the others edged with the
feme; the two outer ones marked with a white fpot within at the
tip : legs yellowilh.
The female is merely blaek and brown. F emale.
Thefe are found in Carolina, where they remain all the winter, Place1.
and creep up and down the bodies of trees in fearch of infefts^
on. which they feed. They are alfb met with in .Canada*.
m .
G en v- s