666 P I G E O N .
Colomba Capenfis, Lin. Syf. i. p. 286. N° 39*
La Tourterelle du Cap de Bonne Efperance, Brif. urn. i. p, izo. N° zt.
pi. 9. f. 2. (the male.)
La Tourtelette, Buf. oif. ii. p. 554-
La Tourterelle à cravatte noire du Cap de Bonne Efperance* PI. enl. 14.0*
{the male.)
Lev. Muf.
D escription.
r p H I S is a very fmall fpecies, being not bigger in the body
than a Lark : the length indeed is nine inches and a half,
but the tail alone meafures five inches and a quarter. The bill
is red, and feven lines in length : the throat, and fore part of the
neck, are of a very fine black * : the reft o f the head, neck,
breaft, back, rump, upper wing and tail coverts, are grey
brown : greater wing coverts tipped with black : the belly, fides,
thighs, and under tail coverts, are dirty white : on each wing is
a bright fpot like poliihed fteel : the greater quills are rufous
within, and brown on the outer webs and tips j the fécond quills
are brown, with the outer edges grey : the tail is very unequal,
the outer feather being very Ihort j the two middle feathers are
blackilh brown, tinged with rufous ; and thofe on the fides grey
brown at the bale, and blackilh at the ends s beneath they are
all black, except the outer one, which has the outfide and tip
F emale;
white : the legs are red : and the claws brown.
The female differs in having the throat, and fore part of the
neck, of the fame colour as the reft of the head, and the greater
wingcoyerts not tipped with black.
* In the PI. enl. the crown and forehead are alfo black.
P I G E O N .
This bird is found in Africa; it has been brought from the
Cape of Good Hope and Senegal, and no doubt is to be found in all
the fouthern parts of that quarter of the globe.
I have obferved feveral varieties of this fpecies : in fome the
forehead is black, in others noti one had a ftripe of white acrofs
the head, and down each fide of the neck, a bar of white acrofs
the rump, and the fpots of the wings of a blue green inftead of
black : and in another fpecimen there was a crefcent of very pale
alh-colour on the bread j. and the fides, beneath the eye, mottled
with cinereous and black.
66 7
P lacb.
Le Tourocco, Buf. oif. ii. p. 553. GR^AT-
' La Tourterelle a large queue du Senegal, P I «/. 329. TAILED T .
T E N G T H twelve inches. Bill red j, bafe of it covered with D e s cu p t io n .
a white cere: head, neck, and upper parts of the body,
reddifh cinnamon-colour; breaft, belly, and thighs, dulky white:
tail very long, occupying half the length of the bird j it is cuneiform
in Ihape, and white at the tip : legs red.
This inhabits Senegal. It is faid to carry the tail like the Flaci.
Crefied Curajfow.
4 O r d ir