Le Manakin gris hupe, Brif. on. it. p. 463. N° 13.
Coquantototl, avicula criftata, forma Pafieris, Seba, ii. p. 74, t. 30. f. 7. —
Buf. oif iv. p, 427.
D escription. ^ ^ I S is in lhape like a Sparrow, and is three inches and a
quarter long. The bill is four lines, and of a yellow colour
: on the forehead is a yellow fpot: the head, hind part o f
the neck, back, and rump, are grey : the feathers on the hind
head are longer than the others, and form a fmall creft : the
throat, and fore part of the neck, quite to the tail, light yellow
: the greater wing coverts red ; and the quills and tail ci-
nereous grey.
' 18.
Pipra albifrons, Lin. Syji. i. p. 339. N6 5.
Le Demi-fm a huppe & gorge blanches, Buf. oif. v. p. 35c.
White-faced Manakin, Ed*w. pi. 344.
D escription» 'J P H I S bird is five inches and a quarter long. The bill three
quarters of an inch, black, ftrait, and pointed : the head is
crefted, confuting of long pointed feathers, which may be elevated
or deprefied at will > this creft, as well as the throat, and
between the eyes, is white : a white ftreak paffes over the eye :
the white on the throat is furrounded with a border of black all
round, from eye to eye : the reft of the body and tail of an orange,
inclining to cinnamon ; but the hind part of the neck, middle of
the back, and wings, are blackilh afh-colour i thighs dufky : legs
reddilh yellow: outer and middle toes cohere deeply.
S Le
Le Plumet blanc, Buf. oif. iv. p. 429.
Le Manicup de Cayenne, PI. ml. 707. f. I.
V ar. A.
’ 4 ' H I S bird is fix inches in length ; and is remarkable for the
creft, which is compofed of fcattered white feathers, fome of
which are above an inch in length, and give it a remarkable appearance.
The bill is black, three quarters of an inch in length,
and a trifle curved at the tip : the whole front, as far as the eye,
the chin, and throat, are alfo, with the creft, white j the whole of
this white is bordered with black, which is broadeft on the hind
head : the back and wings are of a dulky black ; and the reft of
the body and tail a bright cinnamon-colour, inclined to ferruginous
: the legs are reddilh ; and the outer toe connefted to the
middle as far as the fécond joint, like the reft of the Manakin
Buffon will have thefe to be two different birds. The laft-de-
fcribed comes from Guiana, where it is faid to be rare. It feems
to have a .much longer creft than that of Edwards, projefling
into an irregular long tuft on each fide over the eye j whereas
that of Edwards’s is perfeftly regular. The bill too in Buffon’s
bird feems a trifle curved at the tip ; while that of Edwards’s is
ftrait. Yet the colours very nearly correfpond, and the diftribu-
tion of them exaftly fo : the toes likewife are united exaftly in the
fame manner in both birds. I have feen a fpecimen of that in the
Blanches enluminées -, and find it to be exaftly copied. Edwards’s
bird has not yet come under my infpeftion. Surely they are no
other than male and female, with a little variety of climate.
Edwards's bird came from South America»
3 Y 2 Le
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