458 W A R B L E R .
Place» This bird is faid to be migratory, and met with the whole
fummer about Teflis and Cyrus, in Georgia. It feeds on infefits;
frequents the banks of rivers, and is met with among the
MOOR W. Motacilla maura, Pall. Trav, ii. p. 708. N° 17-.
D es c.Rjp <i*i 0 n* ^ I Z E of the Whin-Chat, to which it bears fome refemblance.
The head and peck blackedges of the feathers pale : back,
and bafe of the wings, black, the laft margined with grey r fides.
of the neck, and all beneath, white : the throat of a deep ferruginous
t wings brown i on the coverts an. oblique patch of yellowifh
white : tail even, black: the rump, and bafe half of the
tail, white.
F emale*. The female, and young birds, have the head grey, clouded
with brown : back not unlike that of a Woodcock t the reft o f
the body more obfolete.
This fpecies inhabits RuJJia, and frequents the- birch-trees
which are here and there fcattered in the woods of Ural, and in,
the fields planted with them between, the rivers I'oiM and Irtifch„
flying by pairs. Feeds on infects, and makes the nefl in the:
holes in trunks of trees made by the mice,, and other final!
V ar. A*
D escription.. E N G T FI fix inches. Bill black : plumage above rufous
brown; beneath rufous white: chin and belly white : over
each eye a rufous ftreak: edges of the wing coverts rufous :
quills black, with pale edges ; fecondaries edged with rufous:
W A R B L E R. 459
rump white: the bafe half of the tail white ; from thence to the
end black, except the two middle feathers, which are wholly
black : legs black.
A fpecimen of this is in the colle&ion of Sir J. Banks. It
was met with among the ice between AJia and America.
A B O Y E greenilh : beneath pale-coloured : on the crown of
the head a pale ftreak : over the eye a flripe of yellow.
Inhabits Rujfta *,
J^B O V E cinereous: beneath whitilh : throat and neck ferruginous.
Inhabits RuJJia, chiefly about the Tungujka river *.
Motacilla cyanura, Pall. Trav. ii. p. yog. N° 18.
^ I Z E of the Red-breafl. The upper parts of a cinereous yellow,
tinged with green : rump blueifh : over the eyes, the
throat, and under parts, yellowifh white : fides of the bread:
near the wings orange : tail even, the feathers rather pointed ; the
colour of all of them brown, edged outwardly with pale blue,
and, when folded up, appears wholly blue: wings brown : the
outer margins of the quills of a greenilh yellow ; the inner
* Mr. Pennant•
D escription*
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D escription*
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