654 P I G E O N .
■ JO.
b l a c k -
c a p p e d T.
Columba melanocephala, Zoal. Ind. p. 16. pi. 7.
Turvert, Buf. oif. ii. p. 555. a1* Efp.
To.urterelle de Batavia, PI. enl. 214.
Black-capped Pigeon, Ind. Zoal. pi. 7 .
D escription. N G T H nine inches and a half. Bill black, Ihort, and
yellow at the tip : the head of a pale blueilh alh-colour; the
back part.of it black: chin and throat of a fine deep yellow:
neck, and body in general, of a fine deep green : vent orange yellow
: fome of the feathers on the outfide of the thighs tipped
with the fame; infide of them white : the tail a little cuneiform
P eace.
in fhape; fix of the middle feathers green; the three outer ones
on each fide of a molt beautiful crimfon : legs red.
Defcribed from a mod perfeft fpecimen, in the poffeffion of
Sir Jofeph Banks.
The bird figured in the Indian Zoology has the lower part of the
belly yellow, as well as the vent; and was found dead on the
ground in the ifland of Java.
Le Turvert, Buf. oif. ii. p. 556. 3rae Efp*
La Tourterelle de Java, PL enl. 177.
D escription. O I Z E of the laft. Bill pale red, covered with a white cere:
head, neck, and breaft, vinaceous red; forehead and fides of
the head paleft: back and wings deep green; greater quills
brown: belly dufky, growing very pale towards the tail, which
is dufky beneath : legs red.
Place. Inhabits Java.
T .
C I Z E of the laft. Bill red: crown of the head blue: the D e scrip tion.
upper parts of the neck and body green : neck and under
parts reddilh : quills and tail blue black: legs red.
Inhabits China.
Called by the natives Taupuan. It is fomewhat limilar to the
Columba Senegalenfis, Lin. SyJUi. p. 283. N° 26.
La Tourterelle a gorge tachetee du Senegal, Sri/, arn. i. p. 125. N° 25.
pi. 8. f. 3.— Buf, at/. iL p. 552.
r j 1 H I S equals a Blackbird in fize; and is in length nine inches
and three quarters.. The bill eight lines long, and blackilh:
the head, neck, and bread:, are vinaceous : the fore part of the
neck fpotted with black:, the upper part of the back brown,.
with the end of each feather inclining to rufous : the wing coverts
neared: the body the fame ; the others afh-coloured, as are
the lower parts of the back and rump : the belly, fides, thighs,
and under tail coverts, white: quills outwardly afh-coloured;
within and beneath brown: the tail has the fix middle feathers
cinereous brown; and the three others, on each fide, of a dark
afh-colour from the bafe to the middle ; from thence to the ends
white;. the under part of it half black, half alh-colour, in the fix
middle feathers, and white in the three outer ones: the legs are
red : the claws brown.
Inhabits Senegal.
D escription*