thofe which I have feen, there has been a mixture of fome o f
other colours. In the Leverian Mujeum there is one mixed brown
and white, with a pure white belly, and another variegated with
white all over, but regularly difperfed throughout the plumage,,
imitating the beautiful pencilling of the Wryneck -, and I have
in my poffeffion one of thefe birds, which is wholly of a light
V ar. &
I.’Alouette noire,. Brif. orn. iii. p. 340. B.— Buf. cif. v. p, 2Z.— P1, enl. 6jo*.
Black Lark, Alb. iii. pi, (jx,
Br. Muf
D escription.
J N the bird here defix-ibed by Albin *, the black was not:
pure, being of a dull reddilh brown, approaching to black,,
except the hind part of the head, which was dull yellow, and:
fome of the belly feathers fringed with white.. Bill and legs,
dirty yellow.
V ar. C.
D escription. J N Ruffia is found a variety, which has been mentioned to me
by the name of Long-legged.. It is very like the Sky-lark,
* I am well aware of the circumftance of this and other birds becoming
black by feeding on hemp-feed, as was the cafe in a Goldfinch and Houfe Sparrow, ,
recorded above under thofe heads; but this accident likewife happens by a
caufe lefs artificial, as the bird mentioned by Albin was caught in a net at large
among other birds at Highgate. That in the Britijh Mufeum is of a full deep
blaclc throughout.
but larger, and ftands higher on its legs; it never rifes, but lings-
fitting on the ground.
This is found only on the Mongolian frontiers *.
L ’Alouette noire a Dos fauve, Buf. oif. v. p. 23.
Alouette noire de la Encenada, PI. enl. 738. f. 2.
' J 'H I S is much lefs than the Sky-lark, meafuring fcarcely
five inches. The bill half an inch ; the upper mandible
a little notched near the tip : the head, bill, legs, throat, fore
-part of the neck, under part of the body, and upper tail coverts,
-blackilh brown: quills and tail lbmewhat deeper, the outer feather
o he.laft edged with rufous", hind part of the neck, the
-whole of the back, and fcapulars, of a rufous orange : the leffer
•and middle wing coverts blackilh edged with fplvous.
This came from Buenos Ayres.
Alauda arborea, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 287. N° 3.—Faun. Suec. 211.— Scop. ann. i.
N° 186.—Brun. p. 224.— Kram. el. p. 362. 3.—Muller, p. 28. N° 231.
— Olin.uc. p. 27.
L ’Alouette de Bois, ou le Cujelier, Brif. orn. iii. p. 340. N° 2. pi. 20. f. 1.
— Buf. oif. v. p. 25.— PI. enl. 660. f. 2.
Wood-lark, 'jR.aH Syn. p. 69. A. 2.— Will. orn. p. 204.— Albin. i. pi. 42.-—
Br. Zoo!, i. N° 137.— Ar3. Zool.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf
n p H I S is not fo large as the Sky-lark, is of a fhorter and
thicker lhape, and meafures three quarters of an inch lefs in
length: the weight one ounce. The colours are in general paler
than in that bird, but do not differ fufficiently to need a feparate
* Mr. Pennant.
3 B 2
D escription,
4- WO3O• ID Li
D escription#
defcription :