D escription,
D escription.
or Wild Indian Cock: round the eye is a naked deep red fkin t
the back, wings, and belly, are of a deep blue: rump and tail
of a deep crimfon : legs black.
Found in the IJle of France, where tradition informs us that
the ftelh is poifonous.
T E N G T H twelve inches. Bill black, tipped with pale
yellow: general colour of the plumage dark green, and
glofly : the head and neck are darker than the reft, and of one
plain colour: the feathers of t-he neck long and narrow, like the
hackles of a Cock; every feather of the wings and fcapulars-
tipped with a fpot of very pale cinereous white,- with a point
running upwards, fomewhat triangular: quills and tail black j
the feathers of the fitft tipped with cinereous white, thofe of
the laft with ferruginous white, and even at the end: belly,
thighs, and vent, dufky black : the legs are brown, and the
fhins covered half way with downy feathers : claws black.
In the colleftion of Major Davies. I likewife met with a fpe-
cimen in that of Sir JoJefh Banks. Native place uncertain.
Colomba Nicobarica, Lin. SjiJt. i. p, 283. N° 27.
Le Pigeon de Nincobar, B rif. crn. i. p. 133. N° 44.— Buf. oif. ii. p. 541,—
PI. enl. 491.
Pigeon from the Nincobar, A llin . iii. pi. 47, 48. (male and female.)—Bdvj.
Glean, pi. 339.
Lev. Mufe
j g I Z E of the common Pigeon. The bill is dulky : hides-
hazel: the head, neck, breaft, belly, thighs, and under tail
coverts, dark blueilh purple : the feathers on the neck are long
and pointed, reflecting gloffes of blue, red, gold, and copper :
the back, and upper part of the wings, green, changing to copper
and gold ; fome of the outer quills, and the coverts above
them, fine blue: the tail, and upper coverts, white: legs
This is the defcription of Edwards, who drew it from the
living bird.
The female differs only in the colours being lefs glofly, and
the pointed feathers of the neck being Ihorter.
Inhabits the IJle of Nicobar.
Le Ramiret, B uf. oif. ii. p. $41.
Le Pigeon ramier de Cayenne, P i. enl. 213.
Lev. Muf.
D I G G E R than the Turtle. Bill red, covered with a white
cere: the head is ferruginous: neck and breaft variegated
with rufous, white, and purplifh blue; each feather being rufous,
then white, with blue margins, appearing undulated, and
giving a beautiful appearance: the back and wings are ferruginous
j quills darker than the reft: tail dulky black, and
rounded in lhape: legs red.
The female is marked in the fame manner as the male, but is
much duller in colour.
Inhabits Cayenne.
F emalx.
D escription.