parts of the bird are yellowilh, growing very pale near the vent
under tail coverts are buff-colour : the tail black; very Ihort
the outer feather tipped with white : legs dulky.
This is in the poffeffion of Sir Jofepb Banks.
Fourmillier tacheté de Cayenne, PI. ml. 823. f. 2. 12,
JT E N G T H four inches. Bill dulky: upper parts of the
body, the quills, and tail, brown ; tips of the laft white :
throat and chin black : breaft and upper part of belly white :
D e s c r i p t io n .
acrofs the breaft and the fides fpotted with black : two white bars-
on the wings; and the lower part of the back and fome of the
inner fecondaries marked with white on the outer webs: lower
belly, thighs, and vent, orange : legs pale brown; outer toe
united to the middle one almoft to the tip,
Le Fourmilller a oreilles branches, Buf. oif. 5v. p, 477__i>/. ettl. 822. ,
f- '• 2- WHITE-EARED
L e N G T H four inches and three quarters. Top of the
head brown; fides of it, and throat, black : the upper parts
of the body olive and pale rufous mixed; the under, to the
breaft, rufous-; the reft -grey : on each fide of the neck is a lift
of gloffy white feathers, which are longer than the reft, and begins
beneath the eye : the legs brown.
D escription'.
The female has the chin and throat white : a green ftreak from
the bafe of the bill, palling beneath the eye, down each fide of the
5 neck;
if 1
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