rally lays three blue eggs. The neft is compofed of dried plants,
lined with hair, and generally placed on trees which (land fingly,
as in orchards. Always keeps in flocks; and feeds on infefts and
tender fruits. Sets up a particular cry when it fpies any thing run
along the ground : hence a good criterion for the fportfman in
refpedl to game, which might efcape his fight alone.
93, Le Figuier bleu* Buf. otf. v. 282.
MAURICE W. ■ ■ ■ ■— de l’Ifle de France, Pi. enl. 705. f. 1.
D escription, g I Z E of the two laft : length three inches three quarters.
The bill is blackilh : the upper parts of the body blue
grey ; the under white : quills and tail black, edged with white :
legs blueilh.
Place; Inhabits the IJle of France.
, 94‘ „
MADAGASCAR Le Figuier bleu de Madagafcar, PI. enl. 705. f. 3.
D escription* S1 Z E of the laft; but four inches and a half in length. The
upper parts of a deep blue grey j the under the fame, but
paler, changing to white at the vent: the quills blackilh, edged
with white: the tail above an inch and a half in length, and
black, except the two outer feathers, which are white : bill and
legs pale lead-colour.
This is faid to be the male of the laft; but whoever will compare
the defcription, added to the difference of length and markings
of tail, if the PL enl. are faithful, mull join with me in the
contrary opinion.
Le Figuier du Sénégal, Buf. eif. v. 282.—PI. enl 582. f. r.
------—— —■ à ventré jaune du Sénégal, PI. enl. 582. f. 3.
rJ , H E firft of thefe is four inches and a quarter in length.
The upper part of the head and body brown : quills dark
brown ; the feathers edged with rufous brown : the under parts
of the body pale yellow : lides of the head almoft white : tail
even at the end, and marked as the quills : bill and legs
The other meafures ’ only three inches three quarters, and the
colour nearly the fame, except that the under parts have a reddilh
D escription.
Figuier tachete du Senegal, PI. enl. 383. f. 2.
J ^ E N G T H about four inches. Bill black r upper parts o f
the head, neck, back, and wing coverts, black, edged with
rufous: rump deep rufous: under parts white : quills brown :
tail the fame, two inches long, and greatly cuneiform ; both that
and the quills edged with rufous white * : legs dulky.
Buffon is inclined to think that this may be the male of the
citron-bellied one; but furely the length and lhape of the tail
entirely forbid the fuppofition.
Figuier brun du Sénégal, PI. enl. 584. f. 1.
g I Z E of the Pettichaps : length fix inches. The bill flender
and dulky : the upper parts of the plumage brown ; the
* The tip are white in the PI. enl.
D escription»
1 97* DUSKY W.
D es cript ion.