+- GREY W.
D escription.
F emalx.
Place and
fummer, in fome numbers, in the paftures among cattle; retiring
to the ftreams when the flies in the firft become fcarce. Part of
thefe only are fuppofed to migrate.
It differs fomewhat from ours in making the neft, which it
does on fome low willow near the ground, and hatches twice in
the year.
Motacilla boarula, Lin. Mant. 1771. p. 527.— Scop. ann. i. N° 225.
La Bergeronette jaune, Brif. orn. iii. p. 471. N°4i. pi. 23. f. 3. (the male).
— Buf. oif. v. 268.—Pi. enl. 28. f. 1.
Motacilla flava altera, Rail Syn. 75. 3.
Yellow Wagtail, Albin. ii. pi. 58. (female.)
Grey Wagtail, Will. orn. p. 238.—iSV/w. pi. "259. (the male.)— Br. Zool. i.
N° 144.— Ar£i. Zool.
Br. Mu/. Lev. Muf.
T E N G T H feven inches and a half. Bill brown: the upper
parts are greenifh afh-colour : over the eye a pale
ftreak : fides of the head afh-colour : chin and throat black:
upper tail coverts, and whole of the under parts of the body,
yellow : under tail coverts deep yellow : wing coverts brown,
edged with afh-colour: quills brown; fecondaries white at the bafe
and brown at the ends, and almofl as long as the greater quills :
tail longeft of all the fpecies; the outer feather white ; the next
has the infide and tip white, the outfide blackifh; third nearly
the fame, but has the inner edge black; the others black, with
greenifh edges : legs yellowifh brown.
The female has no black on the throat.
This is a conftant inhabitant of thefe kingdoms, frequenting
watery places, and fmall ftreams, for the fake of infedts, on
which it feeds. The neft is on the ground, not far from the
water, compofed of dried fibres and mofs, lined with hair, feathers,
or wool, within. The eggs are from fix to eight in
number, of a dirty white, marked with yellow fpots.
This is a very elegant fpecies, and found on the continent in
various parts, and feems more hardy than the others. Limuern
fays it is gregarious, but with us is feen only Angle, except in
pairing time. It is called at Bologna by the names of Boarola, or
Bearina. It is alfo found at Senegal *.
La Bergeronette de Java, Brif. orn. iii. p. 474. N° 42. pi. 25. f. 2.—
Buf. oif. v. p. 272-
LE N G T H feven inches. Bill grey •. the head, upper parts
of the body, and upper tail coverts, olive yellow: throat
and neck grey : reft of the under parts yellow,, deepeft towards
the vent-, greater wing coverts brown: quills the fame, but the
fecondaries are white half way from the bafe; the third quill
from the body as long as the greater ones : the fix middle tail
feathers are blackifh ; the two next white within, and. at the tip,,
the outer edge blackifh ; the outer one white, except for two-
thirds down the fhaft, where it is blackifh :. legs grey.
Inhabits the ifknd of Java.
La Bergeronette grife des Indes. Son. Voy, Ind. vpl. ii. p. 207.
4 ' H E bill of this- bird is pale rufous : irides yellow: the
head, hind, part of the neck, back, and rump, are dirty
greenifh grey : the throat, breaft, and belly, very light yellow :
* Adanfon—He calls it the Ortolan of that country. He fays that they are
one lump of fat, and the tafte excellent.
10 on
V ar. A,
D e s c r i p t i o n .
D escription.