600 G O A T S U C K E R .
P lace and
blackilh bands ; the others black, bordered with white, which
takes up moil fpace on the outer feathers : legs yellow brown.
Inhabits Cayenne, where it is found in the plantations '■ frequently
quivers the wings, and utters a weak cry, which has
been compared to that of a toa d 1 though it has alfo another
kind of noife, not unlike the barking of a dog. It is not very
fhy, for it will fuffer one to come very near before it will fly
away, and when difturbed perches again at no great diftance. It
is not a rare fpecies.
SHARP-TAILED L ’Engoulevent acutipenne de la Guiane, Buf. oif. vi. p. 547.— PI. enl. 73a,
G .
D escription. T E N G T H feven inches and a half. Bill black: the top
of the head and neck tfanfverfely ftriped with rufous
brown, and black : Tides of the firft the fame, but molt inclined
to rufous: back grey, crofled with black ftripes ’• beneath the
fame, but the ground-colour rufous : tail a trifle longer than the
wings; pale rufous, dotted with black, and barred at the end
with the fame, but the black bar is edged on the upper part
with white: legs black.
Place* Inhabits G u ia n a .
■ Caprimulgus'Americanus, Lin. Syft. i. p. 346. *.
l e Tette-chevre fie la Jamaique, Brif. on. ii. p. 480. 4.
T ’Engoulevent ainnettes, ou le Haleur, Buf. oif. vi. p. 543.
Small Wood-owl, Raii Syn. p. 180. 4.— Jam. p. 296. pi. 25$. f. 4.
.Screech-Owl, Brown. Jam. p. 473,
D e&CRITTION* T E N G T H feven inches; breadth ten *. Bill black, befet
with briftles; the noftrils very prominent, Handing out
• Sloant.— Brijfon fays that it is eleven inches long. Perhaps Sloane's meafore
jnight only extend to the bafe of the tail. from
from it one-eighth of an inch : the plumage conflits of a mixture
of grey, black, and fillemot-colour, paleft on the wings and
tail: legs and claws grey.
Inhabits Jamaica, and feeds on inlefts as the others.
Tette-chevre du Brefil, B rif. orn. ii. p. 481.
Guira querea, Maregr. Raii Syn. p, 27. 3.— W ill. o n . p. 108. pi. 14 .'(fig
g I Z E of a Lark in the body, but appears much larger, and
has long wings and tail. Upper mandible of the bill hooked;
bafe of it befet with ten or twelve thick bridles: eyes black:
the head large, flat, and broad : general colour of the plumage
cinereous brown, marked with fpots of a dull yellow, as well as
fome whitilh ones round the neck: behind the head a dark
gold-coloured ring: the two middle tail feathers are eight inches
in length; the others much lhorter : legs dulky : claws black;
the middle one ferrated.
Inhabits Brafil, - - *
D escription.