D escription.
D escription.
back, and wing coverts, brown, margined at the ends with very-
pale rufous, and a white fpot at the tip of each : the quills and
tail are dirty brown, with pale rufous margins : the legs of the
laft colour.
Inhabits the coaft of Malabar.
La petite Alouette grife de Gingi, Son. Poj. Ind. vol. ii. p. 203. pi. 113.
f. 2.
g I Z E of the Goldfinch : length four inches and a half. Bill
and legs of a pale rufous grey : the plumage on the upper
parts is of a greyifh umber-colour : the head cinereous -grey r
through the eye a ftreak of black : throat and under parts
Found about Gingi, and other parts of the Coromandel coaft-
Alauda Tartarica, Pall, Trav, ii. p. 707. _N® 15. t. c.
Black Lark$ ArSt, Zool,
^ I Z E o f a Starling. Bill ffiout, o f a yell'owifh horn-colour;
tip brown : noftrils covered with hairy feathers : the general
colour of the plumage du£ky black : the feathers of the head and*
neck edged with dulky white : upper parts of the body the fame,
but edged deeper with white: quills black,, cordated at the tip :■
tail fomewhat forked in lhape; the two middle feathers black,
with pale margins; the next pale on the edge at the tip j the
others all black: legs black; the hind claw elongated, lharp,
arid pretty ftrait.
The females and young birds are brown* not unlike the Skylark
: the feathers round the bill pale; thofe on the upper parts
F emale^
o f the body edged with grey; beneath, whitilh; the middle of
each feather marked with black: the quills and two outer tail
feathers margined with white : legs brown.
This is found in the drieft defarts between the rivers Volga and
Jaick, in RuJJia, and the whole Tartarian defart; and is a folitary
bird during fummer; but as winter approaches it frequents inhabited
parts in numbers together..
Its fong is very trivial.
Alauda mutabilis, N. C. Ac. Petrop. xv. p. 459. t. 23. f. 2.
eight lines long,-whitilh at the bafe,. and blackilh at the
tip: irides livid: the bird is-wholly of a black colour; but on
the hind part of the neck, the back as far as the rump,. the feathers
have hoary edges,, and- the axillary feathers of fame are
hoary : quills and tail tipped with brown; the laft rather forked,
and the outer feather not brown at the tip : the legs and claws
, The female differs in having the forehead, hoary, which in the
male is of the fame colour as the reft of the head.
In young birds the plumage, is alh-coloured; i;n fome much
inclining to red,, and otherwife variegated with grey; but the fe *■
males have the. hoary forehead in all ftages.
This is very common at AJlrachan in winter; flocks
to the more retired, places, near thz Volga infpring.
I obferved a fine fpecimen of the male in the collecftion of Mifs
Blomefield. The edges of the feathers were cream-coloured, and
formed, tranfverfe bars on the upper parts of a beautiful appearance;,
P l a c e .
D escription*.