Place. This is frequently met with in the woods, which grow about
the rivulets of the fouthern parts about the fenifei, and from
thence throughout the whole of the eaftern part of Sibiria ; always
at the beginning of winter.
DÀURIAN W. Motacilla aurorea, Pall. Tran. iii. p. 695. 15.
DESCRIPTION. C I Z E of the Redfiart. Crown of the head, and nape, hoary:
forehead whitilh,: throat, and fore part of the neck, black :
back and wings the fame, marked with a triangular Ipot of
white : the under parts of the body deep yellow: tail yellow,
except the two middle feathers, which are black.
Place. Inhabits the neighbourhood of the river Selinga, in Sibiria.-,
frequents the willows.
6j .
D escription.
Black-poll Warbler, ArCl. Zool.
( ] R O W N black : cheeks- white r upper part of the plumage-
alh-colour, ftreaked with black: coverts and primaries
dulky j the firft marked with two white bars; fecondaries edged
with white : tail dulky j at the end of the two outer feathers a
white fpot: throat white, ffireaked on each fide with blackr
breafi and belly dirty white, ftreaked downwards with black :
legs whitilh.
Place. Found at New York and Newfoundland at the lafi place in.
the fummer-feafon.
Grey-poll Warbler, ArH. Zool.
HEA D, Tides of the neck, and upper tail coverts, of a fine
grey : wing, coverts crofied with two white bars : primaries
and tail dulky, edged with grey : throat orange : chin and breafi:
of a fine yellow: belly of a whitilh alh-colour.
Inhabits New York,
Yellow-fronted Warbler, ArCl. Zool.
' j ’ H E forehead and crown are of a bright yellow: from the
bill, through the eye, a black band, bounded on each fide
with white : chin, throat, and fore part of the neck, black:
breafi: and belly white : hind part of the neck, the back, rump,
and lefier wing coverts, o f a light blueilh grey: greater coverts,
and lower order of the lefier, of a bright yellow, forming a large
fpot : the primaries and tail are deep alh-colour; the webs of
the outer feathers fpotted with white.
Found in Penjylvania.
Blackburnian Warbler, Arc}. Zoot,
P R O W N intenfely black, divided by a line of rich yellow:
from the corner of the upper mandible another of the
fame: through the eye a black one, reaching beyond it, bounded
beneath by a narrow yellow line: fides of the neck, throat, and
middle of the breafi, yellow: fides lpotted with black: vent and
{highs white t lefier wing coverts black; the greater white;
D escription.
D escription.
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D escription.