G en us XLIV. S W A L L O W .
N° I. Chimney Sw.
Var. A.
2. Qtaheite Sw.
3. Martin.
Var. A.
4. Panayan Sw.
5. Rufous-bellied Sw.
6. Cape Sw.
7. Senegal Sw.
8. White-bellied Sw.
9. Ambergris Sw.
10. Sand Martin.
11. RockSw.
12. Crag Sw,
13. Daurian Sw.
14. Red-headed Sw.
15. Aoonalalhka Sw.
16. Rufous-headed Sw.
17. Black Sw.
18. St. Domingo Sw.
19. Peruvian Sw,
N° 20. Alh-bellied Sw,
21. Violet Sw.
22. Chalybeate Sw.
23. Purple Sw.
24. Canada Sw.
25. Brafilian Sw.
26. Brown-breafted Sw.
27. White-wineed Sw.
Var. A.
28. Efculent Sw,
29. Wheat Sw.
30. Grey-rumped Sw.
31. Rufous-rumped Sw.
32. Aculeated Sw.
Var. A.
Var. B.
33. Sharp-tailed Sw.
34. Swift.
3J. Chinefe D°.
36. White-bellied D°.
37. White-collared D°.
BI R D S o f this genus have a ihort bill, broad at the bafe,
fmall at the point, and a little bending.
Noftrils open.
Tongue fhort, broad, and cloven.
Tail, for the moft part, forked *: wings long.
Legs Ihort; toes placed three before and one behind f .
Hirundo ruftica, Lin. Sy/i. i. p. 343. N° i.— Scef. aim. i. p. 165. N° 249.—'
Kram. el. p. 380. N° I.— Muller, N° 287— Bruit, ern. tor. p. 73.
N° 28g.— Georgi R e i/ e , p. 175.—Fri/ch. t. I 8,—Faun. Suee. 270.
I/Hirondelle de Cheminee, Bri/. ern. ii. p. 486. N° 1.
■ ----- -------■ ----- — ou L’Hirondelle domeftique, Buf. oi/. vi. p . J91.
pi. 23. f I .— PI. enl. 543. f. I.
Hirundo domeftica, Raii Syn. p. 71. A. I.
Common or Chimney Swallow, Will, orn, p. 212. t. 39.—Jlhin. i. pi. 45.—
Br. Zool. i. N° i63. pi. 58.— Arci. Zool.
Br. Mu/. Lev. Mu/.
T E N G T H more than fix inches. Bill black : irides hazel:
■ *"' forehead and chin red, inclining to chefnut: the upper
parts of the head, neck, body, wings, and tail, black, with a
rich glofs of purplilh blue : bread: and belly white : the tail very
forked j all the feathers, except the two middle ones, marked
with an oval white fpot on the inner web near the end: legs very
Ihort, and blackilh.
This is well known throughout England, where it takes up its
refidence during the fummer-months, departing about the end
of September, and coming the latter end of March. With us it
builds univerfally in chimneys, within five or fix feet of the top,
on the infide, making its neft of mud, mixed with ftraw and
hair, lining it with feathers. Lays from four to fix white eggs,
* Except the 24th fpecies, which has an even tail,
f The four laft excepted, the toes of which are all placed forwards.
* CHlMNElf
Place and
VOL. II. 4 C fpeckled