V ar. B.
R bscrirtiok, D U F F O N likewife mentions a further variety, found in Lor-
rain, which is one-fourth Smaller. The throat, and ftreak
qver the eye, are both white: breaft and belly rufous white :
and a blackifh mixture on the upper parts of the body.
V ar. C.
Le grand Pouillot, hiif- orn. iii. p. 4S2. A .— Bi*/. oi/.v. p, 351 *
Greater net-crefted Regulus, Will. on. p. 228.
B sscrirtion. r p H I S refembles the common one, but is of twice the fize.
It is faid to have the note of a Grafshopper. Whether or
ao it be a variety, I will not pretend to determine, as the fize
feems again ft i t ; but as it is a bird found in all quarters of the
globe, and even in Europe differs both in fize as well as colour,
the faft is poflible.
V * * . D.
Motacilla corpore ex fulco-viridefceote, peftore femigineo, Hajftlq. Voy.
286. p. 51.
Sm c u iT iO K . c l z E of the Yellow Wren. Bill pointed; ltrak ; the upper man-
® dible a trifle bent at the tip; colour very pale ferruginous :
head and upper parts greenilh brown: fore part of the neck and
breaft fulvous: beneath the Ihoulders, and end of upper wing
eoverts, inclining to ferruginous.
This flew on board a Ihip in the Mediterranean, near the
Spmijfr fhore.
L e
Le Figuier de Canada, Sri/, cru. iii. p. 492. N° a i. pl. 26. f. y—PI. ml.
58. N° 2.
Le Figuier tacheté, Buf. oif. v. p. 285.
■ — -------- de la Caroline, P'1. tnl. 58. f. i ,— Variety, 58. 2.
Yellow-Poll, ArB. Zool.
Br. Mief. Lev. Muf.
D A T IÏER lefs than the Pettichaps : length four inches and a
half. Bill black : the head, and all the under parts, of a
fine yellow, marked on the neck, breaft, and fides, with longitudinal
reddifh fpots : the upper parts, and edge's of the quills,
olive green ; the quills themfelves brown : the tail marked as the
quills, but the two middle feathers wholly of a dark brown : the
inner webs of the fide feathers yellow : legs black.
This fpecies is found in America, and is migratory : it is feen
in Canada during the fummer only j but its chief refidence is in
Guiana, and parts adjacent, where it makes the neft. Its
note faid to be very agreeable, and not unlike that of the
The fécond of thefe is not unlike the firft ; but has the whole
of the upper parts brown, except the forehead juft over the
bill, which, with the under parts, is yellow, and not fpotted.
It is no doubt a mere variety.
Tailor Bird, Ind. Zool. p. 7. pi. 8.
Motacilla Sutoria, Zool. bid. p. 17. pi. 8.
'J * H I S is a fmall Ipecies, being only three inches in length,
and the weight not more than ninety grains : the colour
wholly of a light yellow.
D escription.
Place and
D escrip t ion*
3 U a This