D escription.
D escription.
D escription.
y ^ E N G T H five inches. Bill pale : forehead, throat, and
fides of the head, ferruginous; the two firft paled:: the upper
parts o f the body green j the under, yellow ; both inclining
to olive : tail rounded; the tips of all but the two middle feathers
nearly white : legs dulky.
Inhabits Kamtjchatka.
LE N G T H fix inches. Bill dulky : forehead and chin dulky
buff-colour : on the ears a patch of dulky red : upper parts
of the body and tail coverts ferruginous brown : under parts
reddilh white, mottled acrofs the bread: with dulky : legs pale
In the collection of Sir Jofeph Banks.
Native place uncertain.
Motacflla robicola, Lett Syfi. i. p. 332- N” >7- — Sc0P- ann' h N° 236. —
Kram. el. 375. N* 6,— Georgi Reife, p. 174.
Le Traquet, Brif. orn. iii. p. 428. N° 25, pi. 23. [■ I. (the male.) Buf.
. oif. v. p. 215. pi.. 13.— PL enl. 678. f. I.— Salem, p; 224.
Tfchecaiulchiki, Nov. Com. Petr. vol. xv. p. 488. t. 25. f. 3'. Ifepechin.)
Stone-Smith, Stone-chatter, Moor Titling, Raii Syn. p. 76. A- 4. — Will,
orn. p, 235. pi. 41 .— Albin. i. pi. 52.— Br. Zool. i. N° 159— Ara. Zool.
Lev. Muf
T E N G T H more than four inches and three quarters. The
bill black. The male has the upper parts of the body
mixed blackilh and pale rufous; the feathers margined with the
lad:, but the head, neck, and throat, are nearly black : on each
fide the neck a tranfverfe ftreak of white : the bread: of a reddilh
yellow : belly paler : vent almod white : the rump quite white :
the outer edges and ends of the two outer tail feathers pale ferruginous;
the red: black: the quills dulky, with ferruginous margins
■, thofe next the body marked with a white fpot near the
bottoms; and on the wing coverts is another of the fame : the
legs are black.
Thefemale has the colours much lefs vivid: top of the head F emale.
like the upper parts, and not black : the fides and throat paled::
the white on the fides of the neck not fo confpicuous, and the
bread and belly much paler: the white fpot on the wings the
lame; but that on the rump wholly wanting.
This bird inhabits with us dry places, fuch as heaths and com-
mons, for the mod part; living on inlefts of all kinds.
It makes its ned early, at the foot of fome low bulh, or under a
The eggs five or fix in number, of a blueilh green, fparingly
marked with faint rufous fpots.
It is fo very crafty as not to betray the place of the ned; never
alighting but at fome didance, and creeping on the ground to it
by the greated dealth; fo that the ned is only found by the
meered chance.
It is a redlefs bird, incefiantly Hying from bulh to bulh. With
us it is not migratory * ; but is oftener feen in the moider places
in winter, when the food becomes fcarce in the dry.
I cannot find it remarked anywhere for its having any fong.
* Said to depart from the more northern parts of France in September.*
FUJI. Jit oif.
V o l . II. 3 M Buffon ■ Sr