D escription.
D escription.
Place and
neath alh-colour: quills and tail dark alh-colour, edged with
yellowilh grey.
Inhabits Peru, Alfo met with at Otaheite, by Dr. Forfter.
L ’Hirondelle bleue de la Louifiane, Buf. cif. vi. p. 674__pi, enl. 72a.
N G T H eight inches and a half. Bill three quarters of
an inch, and black " general colour of the plumage deep
blue, reflefting violet in different tints, according to the reflections
of the light: the inner webs of the greater quills are black :
tail very forked : legs black.
This inhabits Louifiana ; from whence another has been feen,
which was fomewhat bigger, but differed in having the greater
wing coverts, quills, and tail, Amply of a dull black.
L Hirondelle de Cayenne, B rif orn. ii. p. 493. N° 4. pi. 46, fig. i.— Buf.
oif. vi. p. 673.— i>/. ml. J4J. f. 2.
Lev. Muf.
L E N G T H fix inches. Bill three quarters of an inch, rather
ftouter than is ufual in the genus, and of a brown colour:
plumage above black, with the glofs of poliflied fteel; beneath
white : quills and tail black, without glofs ; the laft
forked : legs brown.
Inhabits Cayenne, where it is common. It is feen frequently
perched on fallen trees, or burnt up leaflefs ones. Makes no
neft; laying the eggs in the hollows of trees. Remains at
Cayenne the whole year.
10 Hirundo
Hirundo purpurea, Lin. Syjl, 1, p, 344, N» 5,
Le Martinet-de la Caroline, Brif. orn. ii. p, 313, N» 17,
Purple Martin, -Catejb. Car. i. pi. 31 — Kalm. Trav. ii.'p. H7.— Ar(l. Zoo!.
L E S S than the Swift: length feven inches and three quarters.
Bill ten lines; colour of it black: the. whole body is of a
deep violet, very gloffy: quills and tail of the fame colour, but
ftill deeper; the laft forked: legs and claws blackilh.
The female is dufky brown, with a fcarce perceivable, tinge of
This fpecies is found in fummer in Carolina and Virginia;
coming in May, and retiring at the approach'of winter. The
common people are very fond of them *; and make little conveniences
of boards on the outfides of their houfes for the birds to
build in, like as is done for Sparrows in England-, being defirous to
keep them near, as they are of much ufe in alarming the poultry
o f the approach of the Hawk, and other birds of prey; not only
fhrieking violently on the appearance of thefe enemies, but attacking
them with all the efforts of our Martins, in Europe..
Hirundo fubis, Lin. Syji. i. p. 345. N° 7.
L Hirondelle de la Baye d’Hudfon, Brif. orn, vi. App. p. 36. N° 18._Buf,
oif, vi. p. 677. ” **
Great American Martin, Edvt. iii. pi. 120.
Lev. Muf,
T H I S is a little bigger than the Swift, but has not quite fo
great length of wing j and the bill pretty ftrong : the plu-
• Kalm,
D escription.
P lace and
M a n n e r s
I 24>
D escription.