698 P H E A S A N T .
Coq fauvage des Indes, Sen. Fey, Ind. vol. ii. p. 153. pi* 94*
Poule,---------- - -------------------- p. 160. pi. 95.
Dsscmjticn. rr>HE length of this bird is two feet four inches. The bill an
inch and a quarter : the body one-third lefs than in the
Domeftic Cock : the comb large, dentated, and of a bright red :
the wattles as in the common Cock : the'fides of the head, and a
longitudinal line between the creft and eye, naked ; all the naked
parts are flelh-coloured : behind the eye is a pearl-coloured fpot,
of the fize and fhape of the little finger nail, compofed of very
fhort feathers: thofe on the head and neck are long and narrow,
the lpngeft below; the webs of them equal on each fide; the
lhafts are broad, and fo vifible as to give each feather the appearance
of being ftriped dpwn the middle ; at the bafe the colour is
grev, in the middle black, and at the end white, at which part
the lhaft is fpread out, and appears as a yellowilh white fpot, of a
gloffy appearance, and in fubftance horny, like that in the wing
of the Chatterer.: the feathers of the upper parts of the body are
long and narrow, greyilh, crofted with white; on each fide of
the white ftripe is one of black : the breaft, fides, and thighs,
are like thofe above, but broadeft on the thighs : the feathers of
the breaft incline to rufous, and have a gloffy cartilaginous appearance,
like thofe of the neck : the wings reach to the beginning
of the ta il: quills of a dulky black; thofe of the leffer coverts
like the back; the greater, long, narrow, and ftiff j of a
rufous-colour, inclining to chefnut, tranfverfely ftriped black
and white: the tail coverts are violet, with a polilhed glofs : the
ta'il as ufual in the Cock : the legs are five inches long, and fur-
nilhed with a large bentfpur behind, of one inch one-third long.
The hen is one third lefs than the cock, and has neither comb
nor wattles. The head and hind part of the neck are grey: cheeks
and throat whitifh : the lower part of the neck behind brownifh,
tranfverfely ftriped with rufous white : fore parts, breaft, and
belly, brown, ftriped with dirty white : fides of the body grey :
the feathers of the back pale brown, tinged with grey; pale rufous
down the lhafts: wing coverts the fame : quills blackilh
within, brownifh dotted with grey without: tail greyilh: legs
fcaly, grey : inftead of a.fpur a riling knob.
This, according to the above author, is probably the original
ftock from whence all our domeftic varieties have originally
fprung ; and inhabits the forefts of India.
There are few places where the different voyagers have not
met with cocks and hens, either wild or tame; and mention has
been particularly made of finding them at St. Jago, Pulo Condon
*, Ifle of Timor, Philippine and Molucca illes, Sumatra and
Java f , New Guinea J, Tinian #, and moft of the illes of the
South Seas §. »
* Like ours, but much lefs ; only of the fize of a Crow. The cocks crow
like ours, but much more fmall and Ihrill.— Damp. Voy. vol. i. p. 392.----- Two
wild ones Ihot there by our laft voyagers.—Ellis’s Narr. ü. p. 340.
f Thofe of Sumatra and Java remarkably large (called the St. Jago breed)
the cock fo tall as to peck off a common dining-table. When fatigued, fit down ou
the firft joint of the leg j and are then taller than tits common fowls.—Hiß.
Sumatr. p. 98.
t But not in plenty.— Talking of marriage, it is mentioned, <c that they kill
“ a Cock which is procured with difficulty, and then it is a marriage.” — Fort.
Voy. p. 105.
|| The fowls which were met with wild ‘ ‘ were run down without much trow-
ot ble, as they could fcarce fly farther than one hundred yards at a flight.”—•
Anfon's Voy. p. 416.
§ Forfitr obferves, that they are plenty at Eafier, Society, and Friendly
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